Chapter 8: Caryl and Erald

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Knock knock

"Who's there?" I heard Miranda's voice from behind the door.

"It's me randa, open up." I answered her.

She then opened the door and graced me with her beautiful brown eyes and her wavy brown hair. But then she opened her eyes surprised and concern washes all over her face.

"What happened Caryl,why are you like this, you look so pale and weak you're even finding it difficult to breath?" She asked me with worries in her eyes and voice.

"Randa, let's go in first, I'll explain everything." I said as I called out to her.

"But ca...." she started speaking but before she could complete her words I stopped her mid way.

"It's okay Randa, I'll tell you everything, let's go in first." I said.

She grabbed my arm and put it on her neck to help me walk because I could no longer stand up straight, all my energy had gotten drained because I used it to walk over to her place.

When we got in, I checked the clock and saw it was past 2 am.

"I am so sorry randa, I came at such an odd hour, I had no where else to go. As you know, I have issues with my dad and brother so I can't go to them."

"It is okay, I do understand but what happened to you that you look so pale and you are short of breathe?" She asked with concern laced in her voice.

"My boss had me tortured because I failed to get him the documents he had asked me to bring for him from my dad's place. I'd try to get it but Erald came in the way and just because I didn't get the documents he tortured me by electrocuting me, randa this is the first time I couldn't fulfill boss's wish but he couldn't forgive me. I have promised myself one thing, I would exact my revenge from him, I surely will exact my revenge from him." I explained to Miranda but she was looking at me with bewilderment.

"Wait, Caryl are you trying to say Arnoldo Fernandez that you worked for, almost your entire adulthood did what he did to you only because you failed to get a document?" She asked with her eyes widely open.

"Yes randa, I couldn't even believe that he could do something like this to me. If I were to be told by someone else that he would do this to me I would never believe them." I answered her, with difficulty.

"What does the documents even contains that he needs it so badly and why does he hates your dad so much?" She asked again with curiosity.

"Well randa that document contains dad's entire property, which contains properties such as his companies papers, his estates documents, documents to his business transactions both in the mafia world and in his legal business. All of dad's assets and the way to aquire those assets are in those documents which boss wants so badly for a reason I ain't told. And about his hatred for dad, I have no idea about it but one thing is for sure he despise dad to the core." I explained to her.

"Okay but how did you get all these physical wounds on you?" She asked asked.

"I had followed the woods to get to this place and due to the fact that it is late night I had fallen a few times." I said.

"But you have a tor...." she say but before she could complete her words I had to cut her.

"C'mon Randa would you help me clean my wounds or would you just keep asking me questions." I said to her, feeling exhausted with her constant question after question.

"Sorry, let me go get the first aid kit." she said getting up.

She left immediately and went inside to get the first aid kit, few minutes later she came back with the first aid and she cleaned my wounds and dress them up.

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