Chapter 13: Erald

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Not long after the drive, we reached Kenneth's house. It was just that typical middle class house. Both I and Gabrielle came down from the car, I told Jake to stay behind. I looked at Gabrielle and he understood why I looked at him, which he should thank his lucky stars for. We both entered Kenneth's house, and saw him eating his meal.

"Well, well, well Kenneth won't you invite me to come eat with you huh?" I said with a cold yet murderous voice which I could see how my tone got him on the edge.

"Boss Erald." He said shaking, that his glass cup which he held at his hands fell to the floor and broke.

I love that.

"Yes Gabrielle, I have come to take you for some awesome shopping spree, which you would get to choose the clothes you would love to wear but I would choose the shopping mall we would go to. Agreed? Yes agreed. Now c'mon let's get going." I said with a cruel tone yet my voice sounded so calm.

"No boss Erald, I don't want to go to any shopping spree, I have enough clothes already." He said bumbling.

"No Kenneth, you don't get to choose that. Would you like to move on you own or I should make Gabrielle drag you out of here? And then your neighbors would see how you are being dragged out." I asked him frigidly.

"I- I w- would mo- move on my own boss Erald." He said stuttering.

"Okay, good boy." I said smirking devilishly.

We all went out and I sat at the front seat together with Jake and he gave me his infamous look saying 'what the heck is going on?'

"Jake don't worry I would tell you everything. Right now you need to take us to the Mafia empire, I got something that I need to offer to Kenneth right there, so let's go." I said to Jake, while I was speaking my eyes were on Kenneth through the rear mirror. And I could see that he is trembling so bad, I actually am loving all these.


After an hour drive, we finally reached the Mafia empire's building. Well it's not just a building, it's an underground building which no one could get in without either I or dad's palm prints, retinal scanning and in some places where important drugs, weapons, or any other important stuffs are kept, needed I or dad's voice to function.

We have extremely tight security right here that no one could break in. We got down from the car and I saw the first guard outside. I went close to the first gate and I inserted my palm prints, the first door opened and we all entered.

"Good day boss Erald." I heard multiple guards voice said in unison. I just nodded my head to them.

"C'mon Kenneth as you can see this is a really big shopping mall that nothing goes in or out here without my permission. So you can imagine how beautiful your clothes would be right?" I said with a devilish grin on my face, as I looked at him, I could see him trembling.

"Oh Kenneth don't tremble yet, you can't tremble just yet, okay?" I said laughing briefly sounding evil just like I am.

"Let's go have a look at your beautiful clothes that's being kept for you." I added.

We began moving forward and as we move further I still scanned my palm prints, so the system could identify that it's me and the door would automatically get opened, I had to keep answering so many greetings from the guards and workers there, which is so exhausting.

As we moved further through many doors, we finally got to where I wanted being.

Here I am standing at the front of the blow room, where I would torture Kenneth till he regrets being a spy for Lukas.

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