Chapter 24: Mela

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"Mom." I said walking slowly, I felt my head's heavy and everything's becoming foggy.
  "My baby." Mom said sobbing uncontrollably as she used both her palms to cover her mouth. She began to run from the door way.

"Arnoldo! Arnoldo...!" She yelled his name continuously as she ran towards me.

"Baby, come to mommy." She said as she held her hands out for me to snuggle under her arms, she is just few inches away from me.

As I started walking with my hands on my aching wound to go meet mom, I didn't know what happened but in a blink of an eye, I was already on the floor and everything became benighted.


I woke up, my eyelids were shaking slightly, as I opened my eyes I looked around me and saw I am inside my room. I checked around me to see if anyone is inside the room with me but I saw no one, it's just me inside.

  "Mom!" I said with a foggy voice, but there is no reply.

I slowly got up from bed with my aching stomach, I bent my head and checked the wound and I saw it had already been bandaged again. I wore my shoes and then began walking over to the door limping, as I opened the door I peeped out of the door, I saw that the hallway is empty, there's no single soul walking there, I didn't even see a single employee.

   "Hells, where the fuck did they go to?"

"I don't know, why the fuck are you asking me?" My inner voice said shrugging.

     "I wasn't asking you."

"Whatever." The voice said, and then it went totally silent like it wasn't even inside me.

I walked out of my room and I got walking on the empty hallway, as the light lit my path. As I walk down the hallway, I heard my footsteps.

   "Is anyone home?" I screamed into the air but I got no reply.

I got to edge of the staircase and I noticed someone standing at the middle of the living room, which is a little bit dark with no light. That person is backing me, it felt like a shadow.

  "Who are you?" I said aloud but the person didn't respond.

I walked down the stairs and I noticed something dripping close to me, I checked the floor and saw it is my blood. I checked my wound and I saw the shirt I had wore is completely soaked with my blood at the part where I have my wound. Even my pant which I wore also has blood on it.

     Oh no I guess the wound has opened.

I raised my head to check for that person but I didn't see that person, I also checked around me but I didn't see the person anywhere. I used my hand to cover up the wound to avoid blood dripping and then I resumed walking on the stairs.

  Got to the last stairs and I saw a shining object of the floor, the light from the moon  reflected on the object and made the object to shine so bright. I checked the object and I saw it's a neckpiece which has something written on it. I tried to use the moon light to see what's written on the pendent but I couldn't. So I carefully walked to the lamp close to the sofa and I switched it on but, it wasn't coming on.

    What the hell is wrong with this house, no one is home not even a single employee and the person I once so is also no where to he found now.

   "Maybe you're hallucinating." My inner voice said.

"You're fucking crazy, what do you mean I'm hallucinating?" I scolded the voice and the voice became quiet.

I felt a freezing wind brushed passed me, making the hair at the back of my neck stand, and my hair flied. I immediately turned around in fear to check who it is but I saw no one. I checked closely and I saw the windows are all locked.

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