Chapter 26: Erald

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This chapter contains illicit words and torture, feel free to skip the chapter if it's not suitable for you.


I opened my eyes, as I saw myself all sweaty, I looked around me and saw that I'm still present in the office and the place has already darkened. I switched on my phone and saw that it's already 8pm and I have several missed calls from Josh.

   I decided to call to know what's going on, but I got lost in my thoughts.

This dream, just what is it about, because ever since mom died, she never appeared in my sleeps and worst still she didn't just appeared, she also warned me to be careful with whom I trust. Would the people I love betray me or I'm just overthinking this. For fuck sake when did I even start believing all this fucking shits.

  Ring Ring

I heard my phone ringing, bringing me out of my thoughts. I checked and saw that it's Josh calling, I picked up the call.

"Young boss, we have gotten a hold of Joseph Anthony along side even Lukas Santiago. We are at the safehouse at the Mafia empire." Josh said hastily.

"Okay, I would be there in an hour." I said imperiously.

    "Okay young boss." He said and I hanged up.

It's good that Josh got a hold of both of them, let's just finish this shit once and for all. I got up from my seat, taking my phone and blazer. I walked out of my cabin locking the door automatically, whereas it's only I who could have access to my cabin.


In less than 45 minutes, I already got to the mafia empire building, I called Josh to bring out those assholes out from the safehouse.

  "Josh, bring them out of the safe house, I'm in the front of the mafia empire building and be fucking fast, I wouldn't stand here just waiting for you." I told him sounding impatient.

"Yes, young boss, take them out, the boss is waiting." Josh said and I heard him speaking to some other people in the background.

Few minutes later

I saw them all coming, the two men have a blindfold and there are seven guards together with Josh.

   Okay so let this fucking game begin.

I walked over to the gate, handing over my car key to the guard at the gate and asked him to park my car at the garage.

  I submitted my palm print on the system for analysis and the door automatically opened, as the door opened, I heard multiple voices greeting me and as usual I just nodded at them. As we all walked further with the two men which are now in my captivity, I kept on placing my palm print on the system so it could analyze it and the door could open up.

We got to a certain point and I stopped the rest of the guards taking only two of them, with Josh because of where we are headed to, is off limits for guards.

"Josh have them stay with this two guards and follow me to my cabin." I ordered Josh as I walked away.

Within few minutes of walking in dead silence, we got to front of my cabin. I opened the door and went in.

I went straight to my office chair and sat down.

"Josh so tell me where did you get them?" I asked Josh.

  "Well young boss, it was at one of the Balencenra's casino." He explained.

"Oh okay, how about Roseline, any info about her?"

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