Chapter 30: Mela

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"What?" I said in a half yell, surprised.

    "You heard me right."

"What are we going to tell everyone?" I asked fuming.

"You're getting married, what else." He said shrugging.

"Hells, I just met him today and you are already in a rush to get us married, I haven't even tied the knot with him, and you are already sending me to his house." I said aggressively.

   "You don't get to decide here, I do." He said angrily as he caught my loosed hair in his fist and I growled in pain. I wanted saying a word but it got stuck in my air tube thinking if I tell him anything right now, I'm going to be a dead human on the floor right now.

"And yes, if you're being asked why you accepted the proposal, tell them you're in love with him."

  "Ewwwww, that's gross!" I exclaimed.

"I don't care, just do as you are told to or else I'ma start with your mom." He threatened me as he walked out of the dark hallway, I watched his back walking further and he slowly got lost in the dark.

"Fucking hells, this is actually stupid."

"And scary." My inner voice added.

"Boom!!!" I heard a voice close to my ear.

"Hells." I said as my heart went straight into my throat only for me to turn and a flashlight is being flashed at my face, I looked closely and I saw it is Ira.

"What the fuck Ira?"

"I'm sorry, buh you should go look up at your face in the mirror." She said as she started to laugh hard, instead of answering her, I stormed off to my room and I heard her footsteps echoing in the hall way behind me.

"Stop Mel, I'm sorry." She stated still laughing.

I entered my room and shut the door, in the process of going towards my bed, I tripped almost falling thankfully, I have a good stamina.

  "C'mon bitch, I said I'm sorry." She said with a pouted lips, making a puppy eyes for me.

"Okay fine, but that was an expensive prank, what if I had gotten a heart attack?"

"Oh, c'mon quit the drama, we all know you ain't as scared as you portray yourself to be." She replied making me smile forgetting my worries and problems.

"Anyways, forget these stuffs, look at the beautiful gown you are putting on bitch, it's absolutely gorgeous, if it were me who said you should wear this gown, you would have made a fuss about it, anyways where did you get it from, and where did you even go to?" She asked adoring the gown.

"It's a long story to tell really, why didn't you go home?" I asked changing the topic.

"You stormed out of the house without telling me anything, so I decided to stay back, I mean have a sleep over."

"Oh, I had to go somewhere important."

"Important that you can't even tell your best friend?"

  "I'm sorry Ira but, I can't tell you about it." I said to her feeling remorseful for not telling her anything.

"Okay then, whenever you wish to." She replied back and I could sense her voice coated with pains.

"Okay then, let me freshen up." I said quickly leaving there because the burden in my heart weighed me down so much.

   "Okay." She said hopping onto the bed.


I finished freshing up and hopped in the best to see Ira asleep. What a hellish day it was. I checked my little bookshelf beside my bed stand to pick a book and read, only for me to begin to feel thirsty. I got up walked over the table where water is being kept. I checked for the glass of water kept there but it's empty.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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