Ryuen and Ichinose talk (Y2V9)

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(AN: Even I'm dissatisfied with this chapter, but still publishing it)

3rd Person POV:

Chronos: 'ahh!! It's been a long time.'

Chronos: "Ok guys! Let's move to another interesting video!"

Hashimoto: "What now?"

Chronos: "Let's see... you remember Ichinose's past video, right?"

"Yeah", everyone muttered

Chronos: "All those people who mocked her then, let's see how you'll react to this video."

Ryuen, Arisu and few others are intrigued by what he said,

Before they start, Chronos explained the exam that took place on Y2V9

Chronos: "Let's start."

The first day of winter vacation. The sky was covered with thick clouds and had been pouring since the morning.

About 10 minutes past the appointed time, Ryuuen approached with an umbrella in hand. Ichinose, who had been waiting ahead of time for him, gazed silently into his face.

They stopped when they were far enough away from each other so that they could hear each other through the sound of the rain

Kanzaki: "Wait! this is from that photo you showed us."

Chronos: "Right Kanzaki."

Kiyotaka, Ryuen, Arisu, Horikita and Class-B members started to pay more attention to the video.

"The weather has been like this lately, hasn't it?"

Ichinose spoke to Ryuuen without making any inquiry about his delay

Hashimoto: "Haha, imagine if she said 'Moon is beautiful isn't it'"

Entire hall went silent suddenly and everyone turned towards Hashimoto, who just wanted to lighten the serious atmosphere, Ichinose is looked at him blankly without any emotions, her face could almost rival Kiyotaka. Ryuen looked like he is ready to kill Hashimoto.

Ichinose: "Please don't say stuff like that Hashimoto."

Ichinose's friends stared wide eyed at her blank tone while Hashimoto flinched at her tone,

Kiyotaka: "What's wrong with that?"

Now, everyone is staring at Kiyotaka,

Haruka: "You don't what that means, do you Kiyopon?"

Kiyotaka: "Moon is beautiful, what is there not to understand?."

Haruka and Kei both sighed in unison,

"Not going to complain about the delay?"

"I was prepared to wait for 30 minutes. If you didn't show up by then, I was going to leave without hesitation."

Ichinose, who answered with a relaxed attitude, seemed to be more concerned about the sky than Ryuuen. She tilted her umbrella and looked up at the rainy sky a little.

"It won't stop for the rest of the day."

"You're such a softy for taking the trouble to answer my call."

Ignoring Ichinose's muttering, Ryuuen told Ichinose.

"I don't know if Ryuuen-kun would be satisfied if I said we were friends, but

I think it's normal for me to answer when you call. I didn't have any plans at this time. So, what do you want?"

"My schedule got a little screwed up. I thought I'd see if I could figure out why."

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