Breaking the rules

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We got dressed and got a taxi to where the show would happen and to my surprise it wasn't at a night club it was just a normal concert. I felt a little out of place at first but when I saw girls wearing simpler dresses I calmed down a little. "OMG!" Sarah screamed "what?" I replied "my mom got us seats right at the front AHHH!" She screamed. I laughed at her and we walked into the hall and sat down. Sarah couldn't keep still and was about to explode I couldn't help but laugh.

The lights went off and everyone got up and stared screaming so I got up and just stood there. Then one By one them members ran on stage. My face went pale when a saw one of the members. "Tom?" I stuttered. Sarah was to into the show to hear me plus all of the screaming going on. Tom started to look around in the crowd then spotted me we both locked eyes for a second in shock. He snapped out of it and started to play his guitar. I don't know what was going through my head but for some reason I couldn't help but stare at him. His big hands and the way his eyes looked in the light but then I remembered what he use to do to me in school and immediately looked away in disappointment.

After the show Sarah was stood as still as a rock still looking at the empty stage. I grabbed her arm to pull her away and she said "I have to meet them" and ran onto the stage and behind the curtains. With out thinking a jumped on to the stage and ran after her. I  bumped into the back of her and infront of her was 4 tall men looking at her with a confused look on there faces "how did u get back here?" One of them said in a German ascent. But Sarah just hugged him and started crying "I love u so much bill" she said. So that's bill I thought as I looked over at Tom who still looked shocked to see me we just looked at each other.

But he had a seductive look on his face as mine was pure hatred.

Bill said to us "we aren't really supposed to do this but do u want to come back to our hotel?" Sarah let go of bill and nodded aggressively " no way we don't know them Sarah" I said "please Tara this is a once in a lifetime opportunity" I looked at them and back at Sarah "we know nothing about them for all we know they cud murder us" I said "but didn't that go to the same school as you?" She said bill looked at me after hearing what she said and then he recognised me "OMG it's Tara from school, Tara miller right?" Bill said. I nodded and said "look it was fun seeing u but we really have to go now" as I grabbed Sarah's arm.

She pulled back and said "Tara come one please can we go" Tom laughed at her and said "is she your mom or something" I looked at him and said "fine we can go but if anything bad happens we are gone and no I'm not her mom I her friend who is worried some strangers will kill her or something!" I said aggressively. "Good thing her hot friend will be with her to then" Tom said 

I just looked at him. Bill put his arm around Sarah and said "follow us to the bus" I hesitantly followed him and Tom tried putting his arm around me and I pushed it back and said "don't even think about it" as I followed bill and Sarah.

We got onto the bus and bill sat with h Sarah and the other 2 who I didn't know sat together so I sat on my own. Then Tom threw himself onto a he seat next to me with a pound grown. "What do u want" I said to him "just want to catch up" as he smirked at me. He said "so how much did u miss me the last 4 years" as he put his hand on my thigh "not one but I loved not being around u for so long" as I pushed his hand off of me "not so much u chose to come back and see me" he said "I came back for my family and to find a stable job actually" I said "he laughed and said well I missed messing with u every day" he said

After about 10 minutes we got to the hotel and walked inside.

Why do u hate me?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon