"I fucking love you"

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When we got back I texted Tom like he asked me to 'we are back home now' he responded 'good girl' that gave me butterflies. We got ready for bed and normally I would take a shower but toms smell was still on me so I chose not to. It felt weird going to bed on my own now because I was use to having Tom next to me. I fell asleep cuddling my pillow like it was Tom.

I woke up to rain it looked nice on my window so I just sat there watch it for a minute before my phone buzzed I looked to the time and it was 3:31 pm. I saw the text was from Tom so I opened it 'want to go on a drive' I responded 'Yh sure' he texted back 'ok will be there in 5' i for up and quickly got ready. 5 minutes later he texted me 'outside' so I ran down. His car was all black with dark windows. I knew it was him tho because his number plate said Tom I'm it. I got in and he said "want to go to the lake?" I said ok and he started speeding down the rode to the lake. The rain had calmed down and was just spitting now. We got to the lake and got out the car.

We stud by the edge and Tom said "let's go swim" I looked at him and said "are you crazy it looks so cold" I just took his shirt trousers and shoes off and I laughed. He said "then u can watch me" as he jumped in. I thought fuck it and took my clothes off and joined him. He started throwing water on me so I threw some back. I got on his back and we both started laughing. I let go of his back and he turned to me. It started to rain harder and we held me by my waist and pull me into him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we both looked each other in the eyes. Tom said "I fucking love you" and he pulled me in and kissed me. We kissed for a good minute before the rain got bad so we got out.

Tom gave me a towel from his boot and wrapped it around me. He have me some spare clothes and we both changed. It for dark and we went for our drive talking about school. We got into the back of his car and cuddled to keep warm. After 2 hours of talking he drove me home but when he went to start the car to go back to his house it wouldn't stay "fuck" he said "I forgot to fill up my car" I said I can stay here and fill it up tomorrow Sarah's mom has some petrol I will get her to drop it of in the morning.

He said ok and we ran inside and went up to my apartment. Sarah said was with bill so it was just me and Tom.

Why do u hate me?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt