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We went back inside and all of us went to dance me and Sarah where sexy dancing. But the other girls went to a different level trying to get Tom and bills attention and when that both stud up to pick a girl they all started screaming. Me and Sarah just laughed as they came over the us and kissed us in the middle of the dance floor. A lot of girls got jealous and left but most started for the free drinks. Normally at these party's Tom and bill pick a girl to sleep with but instead of picking different girls they picked me and Sarah over all of the others which made us feel special.

The rest of the party is a blur because I was so drunk but in the morning Tom was telling us what we all did and we all cringed at what he was saying. I was so tired I kept falling asleep on Tom the hole morning. But he didn't wake me up he just put his arm around me to make me more comfortable. Tom drove me and Sarah home and I went to bed instantly.

When I woke up about 4:32pm in my room, I had put some decorations up so it looked nicer and felt more like a room now, I got out of bed and stumbled into my bathroom and washed my face with cold water to wake me up. I heard my phone buzz in my nightstand so I went to answer it

"Hello?" I said "hey!" Sarah said "why are you calling me where are you?" I asked "well u where snoring like a pig and got bored so I went to see bill for abit, Tom is asking for you" she replied "asking for me, to come over or" I asked "Yh he wants to talk to you" she responded "ok I will be there in 40 minutes tell him that" I said "ok I will see u soon" she said and hung up the phone.

I got dressed in a black tank top and black leggings with a red tartan button up top I left open with black uggs and my hair down with light makeup and a necklaces with a T on in. I got in my car and drove to Tom and bills house and walked it. Sarah was sat on a sofa opposite the door and jumped up when she saw me "TARA!" She shouted as she hugged me "u look nice" she said with a smile bill walked over to me and said "wow you look nice Tara" I said "thank you, it's my coming to talk to Tom outfit" we all laughed and Tom picked his head out of his room "Tara come up here please" he said and went back in his room. "Wish me luck" I said and went upstairs.

Tom was sat on his sofa waiting for me "hey" I said. He looked serious and signed for me to sit next to him so I did. He said "so there are some,  bad people who don't like me and bill all that much and they like to try and brake our company down" I said "what do you mean?" He took a deep breath and said "there jealous of how successful we are and try to make us look bad, putting bad things about us online pretends to be me and do bad thing so I get the blame, he has been doing it for years and he came to the party last night without us knowing and saw you" I looked at him confused "saw me?" He replied "saw how much time I spent with you, normally I jump from girl to girl but he noticed how close we where, I thought I saw him at the bar a few times but when I went to check he was gone, he really pisses me off" he said clenching his jaw. I put my hand on his arm and he looked at me with sad eyes and said "I'm worried he will try something, he always took my girls away by throwing money in the faces but I'm worried he will take it to another level" I replied "I won't let I'm touch me I know karate!" I said in a funny voice. Tom smiled and kissed my forehead and gave me a bracelet and said "it looked like a normal bracelet" and pointed to one of the charm's on at "but this one has a tracker on it" and pulled out a little device on it "if you push and hold it it will make this peep and it will let me know when you need me" I looked at it hoping I wouldn't need to use it and hugged him. He really cared about me and wanted me to be safe.

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