2 months

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I woke up and realised I had leaked on toms bed. Even tho his sheets where black and velvety I saw the blood on my legs. "Shit" I muttered under my breath looking over at Tom who was fast asleep. I quickly went into the bathroom to clean up and replace my tampon. I walked out and saw Tom was gone, maybe he was downstairs or something I thought as I took the opportunity to strip the bed and take them downstairs so I could was then. "How are u feeling?" I heard someone say as I look the last step off the stairs with toms sheets in my arms. I turned my head to see Tom sat at the kitchen Island and drinking a cup of orange juice. "Better now" I said "why are u holding my sheets?" He asked confused "oh I leaked this morning, I'm going to wash then right now!" I said scared he would be angry or something. "No need to panic, it's ok" he said standing up from his seat reassuring me that it was ok. He took the sheets from me and put them aside and hugged me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, taking in his sent. He kissed my cheek and took the sheets to the washing machine and put them in. "Oh" he said looking at the buttons "what's wrong?" I asked "I don't know how to use this, normally bill dose this" he said with his hand on the back of his neck. I chuckled slightly and walked over to help him "so u push this one to start it and u turn this one to pick the setting" I said showing him what to do "oh I thought that one dried the clothes" he said. I burst out into laughter and said "no this is the washer, it doesn't dry the clothes" he released and said "ohh so that's what that one does" as he pointed to the dryer "yes Tom" I said wiping the tears out my eyes.

Sarah came downstairs rubbing her eyes and said "what's so funny?" I responded "I will tell u later" as I was still catching my breath. She nodded and threw herself into the sofa. "Can someone make me a coffee" she said loudly. I responded "I will" and made her coffee and handed it to her "for the princess" I said as I she took it from me still half asleep. "I'm going to the shop, dose you girls need anything?" Tom said "I need tampons" I said and Tom looked worried "what ones?" He asked with a worried voice. "If you want I will go" I said and he nodded and gave me a list of stuff to get. I got ready and got into my car and left but something felt weird. The road felt familiar and then I saw the dark blue car behind me. It's probably no one and I turned a few corners but the car was still behind me.

I got worried and kept looking back not focusing on the road. I sped up and turned my head to see the car wasn't behind me. I Side with relief but when I turned my head back to the road I saw the cat next to me. Threw the tinted window I saw someone staring at if and it scared me so much I went to turn the car around at full speed and ended up crashing into a building. I hit my head and saw people rush over the the car to help me as the blue car sped away. The last thing I remember was a woman asking if I was ok before I passed out.

—(2 months later) 'Sarah's pov'—

I woke up to bill cuddling me around my waist. I haven't slept probably for 2 months, since Tara's accident. I was so tired that last night I went to sleep around 7pm and slept till 10am. I felt good after catching up on my sleep I went to take a shower in bill's bathroom. His bathroom was all black with silver accents. It was i nice big bathroom and I loved it. I had some of my makeup spread out on the counter where I usually do my makeup. I got in the shower and did a deep clean, I even shaved which I hadn't done in a while. I got out and saw bill sat up in bed texting on his phone. "Who are u texting babe?" I asked "oh just Tom my girl" he said giving me a warm smile which I returned. "He is in the hospital with Tara again" he said as he responded to a text Tom sent him. "Oh is she doing ok?" I asked "Tom said she is still in a coma but when he held her hand he felt her squeeze it slightly" he said putting him arm around me. "Thats a good sign" he said cuddling me to his chest. "Is Tom coming back today?" I asked "Yh probably, he said the food is horrible there" we both laughed and got up to make something to eat, I had been living in bills room for to long and it felt good to have a nice shower and be out of that room. "Oh hi Sarah!" Gustav said in a surprised. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I got some breakfast and sat at the kitchen island and started eating.

Tom walked threw the front door. He looked drained and tired. We wobbled upstairs to his room. "Tom looked rough" bill said with a sigh. "I know, he is so worried about Tara" I said with a sad face.

'Toms pov'

I came back from the hospital and went straight up to my bedroom. I got into my bed and went to go to sleep but someone knocked on my door "come in" I said in a tired voice and bill walks in with some breakfast for me "u haven't eaten in days Tom, you need to eat something" he said handing me the plate. I responded "Yh ok I will" and put the food on my lap and started to eat it. Bill sat on my bed and said "Tara is doing better, she didn't hit her head that hard she should wake up soon" as he looked at me. "You need to get some sleep Tom and try to sort yourself out" he said "I know but what if she doesn't wake up bill" I said "I want to kill that fucking asshole, he took it to far this time" I said in an angry tone. Bill responded "I know he did and we are sorting it but right now you need to focus on yourself" he said as he took the empty place outside my hand. "Yh I know" I said as bill walking over to my window and closed the curtains and left my room. I layed down in the empty bed and I rolled over to the side Tara would normally sleep and dug my face into the pillow. It still had her sent on in. I fell asleep not long after.

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