I love him

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After we all ate breakfast Tom took me and Sarah home. Sarah was texting bill the hole time and toms hand was running up and down my leg playing with the rips in my jeans. Tom hid his car in case Trevor followed him and walked us inside. Sarah went straight to her room giggling on the phone "she is such a child" I said and Tom laughed. Before he left he put his hands on my waist and pulled me close to him. I put my hands around his neck and kissed him as his hands went down and held my ass. "Watch your hands" I said in a joking way "they have touched somewhere better before" he said as he chuckled. I gave him one last kiss before I let him go and he left. I knocked on Sarah's door and opened it and saw her digging in her wardrobe and quietly shot her head up "what are you doing?" I asked "I have so many sets that bill hasn't see yet, I'm looking for them, I have a black one with a skull on it made out of gems I think he will like,HERE IT IS!" She screamed and pulled it up showing me. It was a black laced bra with glitter straps and a matching black thong with the skull on the front "do u think he will like it?" She said "first why do u own that it's not anything like your style second we just left there house" I said laughing "I know but I remembered I had this from a constant I went to I got it for the top but kept the thong, good thing I did" she said

"Ok Sarah" I said as I walked over to the bed and sat on in. "We should stay in so that creep doesn't try anything" she said "Yh let's have a movie night or something" I replied "Yh that new film just came out and my mom gave me the CD yesterday so we can watch that" she said pulling it out of her bag.

We ordered food and watched the film and got sleepy so we ended up falling asleep on the sofa watching the film. I had a dream that I was being chased by someone in my car, and as a turned the corner I saw Tom stud on the middle of the rode still as a rock, I swerved to avoid hitting him and crashed into a building and saw the man who was chasing me he had no face but the second he touched me I woke up gasping for air. I looked to my left and saw Sarah passed out in a deep sleep. I rubbed my eyes and went to make a coffee, what a weird dream it felt so, real. I thought as I pored the coffee into a mug and sat on the sofa next to Sarah. She opens her eyes when she smelled my coffee and sat up. I laughed at her facial expression and handed her my coffee. I got up off the sofa to get dressed. I like getting ready every if I'm not going anywhere I like to feel put together. But after I got ready Tom sent me a text 'be there in 5' I said ok back and put on the bracelet he gave me, it makes me feel safe I don't know why but it makes me feel that way.

He beeped his horn to let me know he was outside and I went downstairs to his car. I got on and he had a big smile on his face. "missed me that much" I said jokingly he smiled at me again and started driving. He took me to the top of the hills that over looked the city and we both got out. He walked over to the railing and lent on it, I joined him and looked at the sunrise since it was quiet early in the morning. He looked nervous and kept fiddling with his pocket. "Are you ok?" I asked him scooting closer to him he said "when I saw you in the crowd at my show 2 weeks ago all of my feelings came back to me" I looked at him confused "what feelings?" He looked at his feel then back up at the view "my feelings from school, I really liked you back then I just didn't know how to show it so I was mean to u instead and when I saw how cold you where being backstage I knew that you wouldn't want to stay, if Sarah hasn't of fallen for bill you and me wouldn't of gotten so close" he replied. I thought back to the night I went on a drive and what I had heard and decided to ask him what he meant "do you remember the night I over heard you and the boys talking in the alleyway, what did you mean by 'I will force her'?" I asked. He looked guilty and responded "I was scared you would leave me or hate me again like you use to and" he took a breath "I wanted to keep you in my house so I could have you to myself" I looked at him surprised but he quickly said "but the night at the party I saw how much you cared for me even if you where drunk, I didn't want you to leave me because I hate losing people I love" I started to tear up, the fact he would of held me captive if I left him scared me but when he said he loved me my heart melted, I had nothing to say so I just hugged him tight, 2 weeks ago I would of hated Tom but now I think I love him back, the same man I wanted to kill because of what he'll he put me through in school just to learn he did it because he liked me, still not right but it made me laugh thinking about it, it all added up now why he would always get so close to me in school and touch me the way he did because he didn't know how to ask me out. Tom said "I'm sorry for being such a dick to you" in his German accent, I loved his voice and how he struggled to speak English sometimes. My accent had faded a little bit from being in a different country for so long and when he spoke to me it was like I was home, his voice was so calming to me.

We stud there in silence for a few minutes just enjoying the cold air hitting out bodies.

But then a buzz from my pocket spoiled the moment as I reached for my phone to answer it. It was a call form Sarah so I answered it "where are you" she asked, I realised I had forgot to tell her I was going out and laughed "oh sorry I forgot to tell you, I'm out with Tom" I said slightly laughing "oh I was going to ask bill to get me can Tom drop me off to bill maybe" she asked, Tom heard her and nodded to me "Yh he will we will be there in 15 minutes" I said hanging up the phone. Tom looked at me and smiled as he walked over to to car and got in it so I did the same and we went to get Sarah.

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