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Tom was upstairs in bed still because he was hungover bad. "Tom?" I said as I opens the bedroom door. "Mhm" he replied with his eyes closed. I walk into the bed room with a drink Sarah made me when I was hungover. "Sarah made this for you" I said and sat next to him on the bed. He was facing me but had his face shoved in his pillow. "She puts something in it that's helps with hangovers but she won't tell anyone what it is even me" I said and pushed the drink towards him.

Tom sat up with a grown and took the glass from me. "If we this dose nothing I will kill her" Tom said before drinking Sarah's 'potion' I went to get up and leave him to recover but before I stud up Tom grabbed my wrist and said "no stay" in a low tone. I looked at him and his eyes where shut again. I smiled at the fact he wanted me to stay so I got into the bed and laid away from him. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him so he could use my shoulder as a pillow. I fell asleep for about 40 minutes before bill came in to check on Tom. The sound of the door opening woke me up and I looked at the door. "Tom are, oh hi Tara I didn't know you where in here" he said "I fell asleep on accident" I said bill laughed and that woke up Tom. "Who's that with the donkey laugh" Tom said digging his face into my back. "It's just bill" I said trying not to laugh "RUDE!" Bill said with his hand on his chest in an offended way. "Shut up donkey" Tom said as he lifted his head and rubbed his eyes. "Your built like a donkey" bill threw back at Tom. They started throwing insults at each other making me laugh. "I see your feelings better Tom" I said as I wiped the water from my eyes. "I am actually wow" Tom said in surprise. "Well I always say don't lay in bed all day when you have a hangover but you never listen to me" bill said crossing his arms. "What ever" Tom said as he got up to use the bathroom. "So where is the next show" I asked bill "umm I don't know actually we where meant to see it today but Tom wouldn't get his lazy ass out that bed" he replied.

I got up from the bed and walked out to the main room. Everyone was sat watching the tv so I sat down next to Sarah and watched the tv. Not long after Tom walked out of the bedroom and threw himself on the sofa next to me. "Oh my got he is up" Gustav said Lon a joking way. Tom flipped him the finger and smiled proudly after. "Well thanks to Tom we couldn't see the venue we are playing at tomorrow so if something goes wrong it's his fault" bill said from across from he room. "I'm sick" Tom snapped back "no your lazy" bill snapped "what ever, Tara come with me" Tom said as he stud up. I was about to say no but I saw how angry he was so I just listened to him I didn't want him to snap at me next. We walk out of the hotel room and down to where toms car was parked and got in. He put on his song and put it to full blast and sped out of the car park. He drove up to the top of a hill. It was sun set by now and when ever Tom is angry or upset he comes up here to calm down. (He told me when he was pissed drunk) He got out and I followed him. He lent up against the fence and looked over at the city. I walked over to him and stud next to him. "Bill is such a prick" he said to himself. "Don't say that he is your brother" I said to him " but did you see the way he attacked me" he replied "well you did stop everyone from seeing the venue but still" I said "I was sick" he said getting angry again so I tried to calm him down. "I know just don't call bill names like that because at the end of the day he is your brother" I replied "not like you know how it is, you don't have siblings" he said and looked away from me. I had a sister called Abby but she passed away in a car accident, her boyfriend way drunk driving and hit a tree. He survived with a broken leg and shoulder but Abby didn't. His words angered me "for your information I had a sister and I would do anything to see her one more time" I snapped at him "you have a sister" Tom said confused "had a sister and you need to remember that people can be taken away from you in a second so be grateful that you and bill are so close" I said before walking over to the car and sat in it. Tom stud there for about 10 minutes before coming over to the car and getting in it. He had calmed down now and he as guilty for taking it out on me. "I'm sorry Tara I didn't mean to upset you" he said I nodded and he drove us back to the hotel. We got back into our room and I went straight to the Sapir room. I needed some space from Tom got the night so I got into the bed and fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning to Tom cuddling me in the bed. I was still mad at him but I have a soft spot. I saw it was early so I fell back asleep and waited for my alarm.

Why do u hate me?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora