At every party theres a fight

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I went to go and get more drinks and Tom followed like a dog I was enjoying walking him around like I owned him I should see Matt more often I thought. We brought the drinks over and talked for another's hour and then I went to the toilet with out Tom tho and went down the hall but on my way home there I felt someone grab me and throw me agents the wall. It was Matt ffs. The music was louder now because more people had showed up so I couldn't shout for help. Mat said "haven't seen your in a while how you been" I said "get the fuck off me Matt don't act like you haven't done anything" he responded "but I haven't, yet" as he put his hand on my Brest. I pushed him and shouted "get the fuck off me Matt what do u think your doing" he looked away and laughed them out of nowhere slapped me hard across me he face I lost my balance and went to fall on the floor but he grabbed me and pulled me up "dam your still a bitch wow some things don't change" he said. I was crying now as he tried to drag me into the toilet but to my surprise I heard toms voice "get your fucking hand off of her" Matt let me go and I pressed myself agent the wall in fear: Tom saw how scared I was and that just made him even anger and he punched Matt in the face. I jilted back as Tom got on top of his and started beating him bill Georg and Gustav came running over to pull him off of Matt. Matt stud up and limped away holding his face in pain. Tom threw himself onto the wall with his head back breathing heavy with a split lip. Sarah came running over to me.

"Omg are you ok!" She shouted. I just hugged her. Tom looked to me and signed for me to hug him so I did because he just beat up Matt. He put one hand on my head and the other on my back and said "I'm sorry I should of followed you" I said "it's ok it's not your fault" bill said "do u want to go or" Tom said "no it's fine we can stay it was just a little fight" and he licked his lip where the cut was. We all stayed for another 6 hours and at that point it was 1 am and we all left completely drunk. The hotel wasn't far so we walked plus the bus wasn't going to get up because it was late but when I'm drunk I become really flirty. So I was non stop flirty with Tom and bill not knowing who I was talking to.

I kept playing with toms braids and telling him how sexy he looked with the cut on his lip. He wasn't as drunk and me he didn't have a lot to drink so he was enjoying drunk me.

Back at the hotel Georg and Gustav went to there room and me Tom bill and Sarah went to ours. and I was all over Tom hugging and kissing him and after bill went to his room with Sarah Tom picked me up and I put my legs around his hips and my hands around his neck as a kissed he as he walked into his room. He threw me on the bed and climbed on top of me and said "do u want to?" I said "fuck me harder then your did last night" he took that as as yes and kissed my neck.

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