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(Toms pov)

"Bill where is she!" I shouted down the phone.

"She has gone to her moms house" bill replied

"Ok where is that!" I said feeling a little bit of relief

"I don't know" bill replied

I clenched my jaw and took a deep breath to try and calm my nerves.

"Fine, ask Sarah" I replied

"Ok one sec" bill said and I heard him put the phone down.

Fuck I muttered under my breath. I can't lose her over this, something so small and stupid. I with i thre crystal in the lake with her stupid fucking phone. Maybe that would of shut her up. I heard bill pick his phone back up.

"She said she doesn't know the address but she knows the ride it's thorncliff rode and the house had a bright red door" bill said out of breath.

"Ok" I said and hung up.

I threw my phone onto the passenger seat and drove over to the rode. I know where that rode is I have been down there a hundred times. I sped threw the city to the rode and slowed down looking at the houses doors. White, white, black, green, white ,shit. I was close to the end and no red door. I saw a small red dot at the end of the rode and sped towards it. I got to it and slammed on the brakes. Red door the house had a red door. I got out of my car not even bothered to park it I just ran. I knocked on the door and waited anxiously for an answer. I heard a dog bark "shut up Toby!" I heard a woman say and the door handle started to move. A middle aged woman opened the door around her early 50s. She was short and had gray roots and short black hear in a ponytail with a bump at the top of her head. It was late so she had on her pyjamas and slippers. She jumped slightly at my tall figure and strong appearance. "Hel- how can I help you?" She mumbled slightly clearing her throat. "Sorry to disturb you at this time but do you have a daughter called Tara by any chance?" I asked in the softest voice I could do.

"Oh one second, tara honey it's for you!" The woman shouted. "Who!" Tara replied. The woman looked me up and down "um a tall man with black cornrows" she replied "no don't let him in mom!" Tara replied and the woman looked scared. "No please you don't under stand I need to talk to Tara for one second please it's important!" I said pleading with the woman. She heard the pain in my voice and the look on my face and let me in. I gave her a nod to say thank you and walked into a room where Tara was. She had an open suitcase on the floor with some clothes in. Tara looked at me and immediately stud up and stepped back. "Get out!" She said in a cold voice. Not like the soft sweet voice I was use to full of love and care instead it was full of hate and anger. Like how she use to talk to me in school. "Tara can I just explain please" I said not taking a single step so I didn't intimidate her. "No you can't" she said looking at me with pure disgust. I looked down at the suitcase and back to her. "Where are you going?" I asked. She looked at her clothes in the case and back at me. "I don't know moving back here was a mistake, I knew you where here still and I still came, even after I showed you love and affection you still can't resist other women clearly and you haven't changed I'm done!" She said making my heart shatter into pieces. She saw that her words hurt me but still kept a cold look on her face. "Tara I- it wasn't what it looked like I swear!" I replied.

"No I don't want to hear it!" She said and went back to packing. I couldn't let her leave but i didn't want to keep her where she didn't want to be. I opened my mouth to explain but no words came out I was frozen in place. Tara had finished packing her back and stud it up right. "Sarah said she will drop off the rest of my stuff" she said as she pulled up the handle. "Tara" I said in a pleading tone and I saw her heart melt by my tone. I was about to cry, Tara had never seen me cry before actually she had never seen me this broken before. She walked past me and my gut told me to grab her wrist and stop her and tell her everything but I didn't move. I stud there for a minute before I heard a car door shut. I quickly snapped back and ran out of the house and over to her car. But she had gone. I watched her car drive down the long rode and around the corner out of sight. She was gone I had lost her. My girl was gone.

I got into my car and closed the door. I immediately broke down and mentally slapped myself for letting her go. I had a chance to tell her but I didn't. How fucking stupid can I be. I drove back home and sat in my car for a minute before going inside. Sarah ran out expecting to see Tara but stopped when she saw the passenger seat was empty. She gave me a sympathetic look and stud there for a second before bill came out and took her back inside. I got out and went straight upstairs. I passed Sarah's and Tara's makeup room on the way. The door was open so I went in. All of her stuff was left the way she had left it that morning. Makeup laid out on the table, her clothes still hung up on the rack her shoes on the shelf. I went over to the clothes she had on the day before and picked them up and held them to my chest. Her sent was still on them. It broke me even more. Couldn't let her go but I didn't know where she had gone now I couldn't chase her.

I just went to my room and laid on her side of the bed taking in her sent from her pillow. I ended up falling asleep like that.

Why did I let her go, why?


Hey so this is the last chapter but don't be sad because I'm going to make a new story, like a part two so that this one isn't 100000 chapters long so i will write the first chapter in a second and it will probably be called "from enemies to lovers from lovers to strangers" so yay!!

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