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Me and Tom got up and he started to pack his bags and I fixed up the room from last night. After that we all went downstairs and checked out. We got on to the bus and this time I sat next to Tom instead of Sarah. We dropped off Georg and Gustav home on the way. Sarah said "what do me and Tara do now go home or come with you guys?" Bill responded "come with us for a bit" Sarah smiled and hugged his arm Tom said "Tara you will be the first girl I have brought home normally it's just to my hotel room" I said "wow I'm so honoured" with a sarcastic look on my face. Tom responded "you should be you have gotten closer then any other girl" as he smirked.

We got to there house and it was huge "do you live here with your parents or something?" Sarah said "no just me and Tom and friends occasionally" bill said I responded "it's a big house for 2 people" Tom said "it's never just me and bill there is always a friend or family here when we are".

We walked into the house and and they showed us around and the last room was toms. He had double black doors and he opened them u to a massive room a big bed with black curtains draped over the top. A big set of black drawers opposite with a guitar above it with his signature on it. Another set of black doors that led to his wardrobe. It was the size of our apartment and one wall full of hats. I said "why so many hats?" He said "Yh I wore them to school remember?" I responded "Yh but didn't know you had so many" he laughed and said "Yh had one for different outfits" bill ran into the room and shouted "THAT MATT IS OUTSIDE SCREAMING TARAS NAME!" Me and Tom ran downstairs I cud see the anger in his eyes.

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