Night club

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*One week later*

I had been practicing to walk all week and have gotten pretty good and could even run again now. It was about 5pm and we where all sat in the living room bored out of our minds. "We need to go somewhere tonight, we have been in this house all week" Sarah said "let's go to a nightclub!" Bill said "oh my god yes" I said "I know a good one in the city" bill said as we all got up to get ready. Me and Sarah where in bills room blasting music and getting ready. Sarah was wear a black v neck Tom and a short tight denim skirt and black heals and I was wearing a cropped tank top with gems on it and low rise jeans with gems on the back pockets with small black heals.

We all got into the car and drove into the city to the night club. After 20 minutes we arrived and went inside. It was covered in blue and purple lights (like the picture at the top) we went up to the second level and sat down. The music was loud and the lights where bouncing off my top. A man came over to us and asked us what drinks we wanted. We all gave him our drink order and he smiled as he walked away to make them. "This club is so nice!" I said looking around taking in the decorations and lights. Gustav and Georg had brought a girl each with them and they where all over them. Playing with there hair and there clothes. They where cute girls but they where trying to hard. I looked over at bill and Sarah and bill looked so happy with her. He was kissing her complaining her outfit it was so cute seeing how happy they where. I looked over at Tom who was checking out some women who had just a bra and shorts on as he licked his lips. It was a neon green set that was glowing in the light she wasn't hard to loose. I saw him look at her face and instantly looked away. I looked confused and looked at her face to. She wasn't very pretty but she had a nice figure to make up for it. Tom looked at me and started looking at my lips as he played with his lip ring. "What?" I asked he just looked me up and down very slowly. He was having flashbacks from when we last had sex. He dose this when he is in the mood. I just scooted closer to him and pressed my body close to him. I started to play with his shirt not looking him in the eyes to tease him. He put his hand on my back and the other on the back of my neck and moved my head up to look at him.

He pushed his lips on mine as started making out. After about a minute I hear someone giggling. I looked up to see the man with our drinks. We all took our drinks and started drinking them.

The hole night I was teasing tom playing with his cornrows and touching his upper thigh. I was abit tipsy at this point and me and Sarah got up to dance because our favourite song was playing so we rushed down to the dance floor and started sexy dancing. We could see Tom and bill looking at up from the top floor. And they came down to join us. Tom took me by the hips and we started to grind on each other to the beat of the music. I felt something poke the back of my thigh. I quickly spun around and he was looking around to make sure no one could see him. Then he looked down at me and smirked at he and started to walk over to the bathroom holding me to his body to cover himself. We made it to the bathroom and he started kissing me. At all happened so fast I didn't have time to think about what was happening. He picked me up and sat me on the counter and held my hips and pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my legs around him a bit and my hands where on his shoulders. He undid his belt and slid my jeans down along with my underwear. And slow put himself inside me.

*sarahs pov*

Me and bill where dancing on each with the Beat of the music. "Where did Tom and Tara go?" Bill said as he looked around for them. "Probably in the bathroom" I said in a joking way. The song stopped and a shitty song started playing so me and bill went back up to our seats with Gustav and Georg. "Where are Tom and Tara" Georg shouted so we could hear him over the music. I shrugged my shoulders and sat down.

*10 minutes later*

Tom and Tara come wobbling up the stairs all over each other. "Where where you?" Bill asked "in the toilet" Tara said with a slurred voice. Tom just had a smirk on his face. He sat down and signed for Tara to sit on his lap. I looked at Tara and saw a fat hickey on her neck. Tom and Tara where all over each other and out of breath. "Tara what did you do in the bathroom?" I asked hesitantly "we had sex, is that not aloud?" Tom said with a hard voice "oh" I said as I finished the last of my drink.

*taras pov*

2 hours go by and we are all fucked except from bill who was driving us all home. We all stumbled out of the club and to the car. Bill and Sarah in the front and me and Tom in the back. (Gustav and Georg all ready left) I layed my head on toms shoulder because my head was pounding. I closed my eyes to try to forget about the pain and ended up falling asleep.

I woke up in toms bed the next morning to a headache and went into the bathroom to rinse my face with cold water but I felt sick in my mouth and threw myself on the floor and my head into the toilet and threw up my guts up. Tom woke up in the same state as me but without the sick. He was groaning as he walked into the bathroom to wash his face like I went to before I was dry heaving in the toilet.

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