Moving again

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(One week later)

I woke up and my legs where sore, it happens from time to time because of the car accident but after a few pain killers it goes away. I wobbled into the kitchen to get some pain killers and heard laughing. I looked over at the sofa and saw Sarah and bill sat on the sofa. "Why are you walking like a penguin" bill said still laughing. "My legs hurt" I said limping over to the medical box. "Oh did you sneak Tom in last night" bill said proudly. I looked at him and said "how did you know" with a shocked face "wait really" Sarah asked "no my legs are just having a moment again" I said as I put the pain killer in my mouth. "Why are you here" I said to bill "so I could see my two favourite girls" bill said with a smirk. "Tom is being boring and Georg and Gustav are having non stop sex and I needed to be out for a day" he said "oh" I said as I wobbled over and threw myself next to bill on the sofa. "Oh by the way we emptied out an old stage room in our house so if you girls want it for a walk in wardrobe or a makeup room or something we can do it up for you" bill said "oh my god yes" Sarah said as she hugged bill. "Yh sure thanks" I said.

"You two basically live at my house why don't you guys move in" bill said "wait really" Sarah said "Yh I mean you pay rent to this place and your barely here" bill said. Me and Sarah looked at each other and Sarah smiled "yes we would love to" she said.

It would be nice not having to o constantly pack up every time we came home I thought so I agreed. "Great I will tell Tom you guys are happy to move in" bill said "wait was this toms idea" I asked turning my body to face bill. "Kinda" he said "ok he missed you because you wanted to be at home for a while and was constantly on about how much he missed you" bill said and instantly covered his mouth like he wasn't meant to tell me. "Oh really" I said as bill looked like he had just fucked up. "Please don't tell him I said that or he will beat me up, I'm not joking" he said "it's ok I won't say a word" I said "thank you" bill said with some relief in his voice. My phone started to buzz so I opened it and tom was calling me. Bill looked at me with worry and I gave him an I won't tell look as I answered it and wobbled into my room.

"Hey" I said "hey did bill ask you yet?" He asked "yup" I replied "and?" He asked "I said no I want to move to New York" I said in a joking way "oh" he said sounding upset "I'm joking I said yes" I said "oh" he said and I started laughing. "When do you want to move in?" He asked "as soon as we pack up the house we just finished unpacking" I said. Tom laughed and said "ok just text me when you are all packed and we will help you move your stuff in" "ok" I said and hung up.

Now I need to put it his apartment up for sale to I thought.

(2 weeks later)

We where all packed up and I had put in he apartment up for sale. Sarah was all ready unpacked in bills room and planning how to decorate the makeup/wardrobe room. It was as going to have my clothes on one side and hers on the other and 2 makeup tables in the middle back to back. It was a pink and gold Theme. Tom was happy to have me back in the house and I was to not seeing Georg's bed head in the morning and the fights between bill and Tom every day didn't feel normal for some reason and I got to sleep in toms big ass bed again to.

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