Good times

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After we got Sarah I looked at her from the front seat and saw part of the black set she has showed me last night. She looked at me and I looked at her then the set them back at her. She looked down to her bag and saw it hanging out and quickly pushed it in the bag. I gave her the look and she gave it back to me and we giggled as I turned around "what are you laughing at?" Tom asked "nothing" Sarah said embarrassed. We got to the house and bill was waiting at the door for Sarah. She jumped out of the car and ran to bill hugging him tight and we all went inside. Sarah and bill went straight upstairs into bills room and me and Tom went into the living room to where Georg and Gustav where. There was a football game on and they where sat there on the edge of the sofa anxiously waiting for a there team to score. Tom handed me a drink and took a sip out of his own. I sniffed the drink and could smell vodka. "Drinking so early" I said Tom just shrugged his shoulders and said "there isn't anything going on tomorrow so" as he took a sip of his drink so I did the same.

"YESSSS!" Georg and Gustav screamed makings me spill my drink on the counter, Tom laughed at my reaction. "Shut up Tom" I said jokingly as I grabbed a paper towel to clean up the little spill. Tom refilled my drink for me and chuckled at me for getting scared. I gave him the finger and took a big sip of my drink. "Slow down over there" Tom said with a shocked look on his face. "There is nothing going on tomorrow so" I said mocking what he said to me a few minutes ago trying to use my German accent which didn't sound very good. Tom laughed and said "not as strong as it use to be" in German I said "ass" in German back to him and he laughed "at lest you remember German" he said " of course I would, I use to speak in German all the time to impress men at clubs" I replied "did it work" he asked "nope" I said swallowing the last of my drink.

"What's that noise?" Georg said as he looked up. Bills room was above the living room and it was a banging noise every few seconds. I laughed to myself knowing where the sound was coming from. Tom looked at me and realised why I was laughing "oh my god ew" he said with a disgusted look on his face which made me laughing even more. Gustav got a broom and taped the ceiling with it and the noise stopped but then someone came down the stairs. It was bill, he was out of breath and sweating, he had only a pair of boxers on and his makeup was running under his eyes a bit "what!" He said with a confused look "do u mind banging Sarah a little quieter" Gustav said. He got abit embarrassed and went back upstairs. Tom still had a disgusted look on his face so I said "your acting like you haven't heard bill have sex before" as I refilled my cup "not that hard" he said as he took a sip of his drink and moand out of disgust. I smiled at how uncomfortable he felt when his brother was having sex upstairs above his head.

He said "I prefer when it's me making noise it makes me feel when he dose it" and smirked at me. I responded "it's normal get over it" as I smiled at him. After 10 minutes Sarah came down stairs happy as ever and sat on the stool next to me "hey" she said. "Hey" I replied smirking at her "where is bill" I asked "fixing his makeup" she said with a proud look on her face. Tom still had the same look on his when she said that. Bill came down and kissed her on the forehead and poured himself a glass of what me and Tom where drinking.

He looked a bit embarrassed because we all knew what he was doing upstairs, he likes stuff like that to be private. Tom and bill went to watch the last of the game that was on and I started to clean up the kitchen. "So did he like it?" I asked as Sarah got all red in the face and didn't say anything "by the noise I heard I will take that as a yes" I said as I dryed the cup in my hand. Sarah covered her face with her hands. She dose that when she is embarrassed or nervous. I chuckled to myself as we heard a loud "YESSSSS!" Come from the livings room as all of the boys stud up and started jumping in happiness. "I think that means they won?" Sarah said confused "WHERE IN THE FINALS!" Gustav shouted "Yh I think" I responded

A few hours go by and I'm in toms room texting my friend who I hadn't seen in years when I decided to take a shower. Toms bathroom was to the left of his bed and it was quite big. It was all black and gold. There was even a bath with Jets in it. Fancy I thought as I closed the door. I saw that instead of a shower curtain it was a peace of cloudy glass and a mirror in the shower. I laughed to myself imagining Tom in the shower looking at himself in the mirror, covered in water, naked. I quickly got the thought out of my head and turned the water on and got undressed. Even tho his hair was in cornrows he still had shampoo and conditioner to my surprise so I used it and the body wash smelled like Tom. I didn't see any other body wash bottles so I just used it. It did smell nice but it wasn't what I would normally use but it did clean me at least. I got out and realised I didn't bring any of my clothes into the bathroom so I put the towel around me and opened the door. Cold air hit my body and I saw that Tom didn't come upstairs yet so I quickly ran over to my bag and realised I had no fresh clothes.

"Shit" I muttered. The door flew open and Tom walked in and said "oh sorry!" And went to shut the door "wait" I said as he walked back in the room "I need some clothes" I said as I stud up "oh ok" he said as he opens his big wardrobe and gave me a top and some boxers. I thanked him. I thought he had left the room as I dropped the towel and put on the Top and boxers and when I went into the bathroom to get my bra I saw he still still stud there with a smirk on his face. I walked past him and winked at him as I went into the bathroom to get my bra and put it on. When I came out he walked over to me and held me by my hips and kissed my neck. I moved my damp hair out of the way and held his neck. After 2 minutes he pulled away and wiped his lips on his shirt and we both went downstairs. "Nice outfit" bill said. I had a white top on with some words scribbled on it and some black Calvin Kline boxers. "Oh and nice accessory" bill said looking at my neck. I turned around to look in the mirror and saw a big fresh Hickey on my shoulder where Tom has keen kissing, I didn't know he was giving me a Hickey tho. I span around to look at Tom and he was sat on the sofa with his legs open smirking at me. I shot him a surprised look and sat on his lap to watch the tv since all of the boys where man spreading. Leaving me no room.

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