2.-'๑'-I Will If You Will-'๑'-

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Angela's POV:

The next day, we woke up.
"Lets go!!" I shouted as I took Katya's hand not letting her properly wake up. I dragged her to the bathroom as I on the other hand, ran to put my new black lip piercing in. "be quick Katya! We are leaving in an hour." I shouted as I looked at myself in the mirror.
"I look so hot right now" I said to myself. Katya took a shower and we ran to the car. My heart was full of excitement. We hoped into the car and sped off to the airport, and believe me, Katya was a racer, so we took her racing car.
Loads of people were enjoying their time and I have a feeling we ruined it with our speeding car.

We finally made it to the airport and we gave our luggage. We passed the line and checked out our things and whatever. I quickly ran for some skittles, but Katya was interested in the chocolate section. There was about 1 hour left to our boarding, so to pass that time I started walking around the airport and I passed a lot of crazy stuff. There were kids running everywhere with their parents running after them, and a lot of crazy stuff goin on. Our time came and I went back to Katya. We boarded and sat into our seats.
"I'm so excited!" I squealed before looking out the window.
"I guess I am too" Katya replied with a cold expression.
"Are you alright?" I patted her shoulder.
"Its just, Andrei." she looked down.
"forget that bastard, I promise ill find you a better boyfriend." I said with a smile, trying to lighten the mood up.

The plane took off. I slept the most flight, before I woke up from a baby crying behind us. I played with my lip piercing as we started to land.
"Wahoo! We are finally here" I shouted before someone kicked my seat behind me.
"oh my god shut the hell up." I heard a man's voice.
I stood up to look over my seat and saw about like 20 year old man sitting there with cornrows and baggy clothes in all black. He checked me out slowly, glaring at me almost. I got down to my seat a little frightened and patiently waited for the plane to land so I can get off this shit hole. The plane landed and we stood up, picking our little bags. Katya walked first, and I was behind her. Before I stepped outside I felt a warm hand on my wrist as it pulled me aside just after I got off the stairs.
"what the fuck?" I shouted and turned around to see that same man staring at me. He gave me a smirk. He had a lip piercing too, and we stared into each other for a minute.
"what the fuck do you want" I asked him.
"do you know who I am?" he asked, as he moved his sweater up to show me a gun tucked into his pants.
"how in the fuck did u bring that?! " I screamed in fear before he shushed me up.
"Its none of your business." he replied tilting his head.
"okay look, I am Angela and I don't want to get hurt or involved, so can I please just go?" I said as Katya waddled away.
He got out a marker and wrote something on my palm.
I tried to shrug his arm off but the death stare he gave me, gave me the chills so I kept still as he wrote a number.
"Are you serious?" I asked looking at the number on my palm, it was obviously his number.
He winked before grinning and without saying a word walking away in the opposite direction of us.
A soft smile appears on my face and I ran to Katya.
"What was that all about?" she asked me and I chuckled, not replying to her at all.
She gently pushed me to the side and we both laughed it off.

We finally sat into the taxi and drove to our hotel, where we will be staying.

"I'm so hungry!" I moaned. Katya smiled and looked out the window.

"What was that about? Actually?" She turned to the taxi window where the airplane was still visible and nodded towards the stairs that we took out of the airplane. That's were I met him.

"I don't know, he just gave me his number. He had this strong German accent. Pretty much, just a Strange guy" I murmured as a slight blush spread across my cheek, but it disappeared quickly after remembering the weapon he had with him.

"You like him, don't ya?" Katya poked my arm and I smiled wildly, not looking into Katya's eyes as I felt a bit embarrassed.

We finally arrive at our hotel. I quickly jumped onto the nearest bed and I felt the warm blanket. I melted into the warmth and closed my eyes.

"come on now Angela, don't fall asleep, we have work to do."  chuckled as she took out her clothes and started placing them in the drawer.

I almost dozed off but before I did, i felt a heavy object falling on me.
I grunted and Sasha laughed.
"Let me rest" I whined and she just sighed happily.

"I know we will find the drummer and vocalist." I said. "But If you're not ready yet, I will gladly follow u. I Will If You Will" I winked at Katya

Katya smiled, making me grin too as we both chuckled.

"Come on now, we have a lot of work to do" Katya said as I got up. Instantly I changed my outfit. I looked in the mirror.

"And don't you look sexy?" I said to myself and I met gorgeous looking Katya. She changed her outfit too.

"wowzah nice outfit." I said to Katya before walking past her.

We both went through the door, ready for our adventure here.

___1008 words___

STORY BEING EDITED, WAIT AND DONT READ YET. ✧.*Heartstrings And Gunshots✧.* Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang