17.-'๑'-Has He Fallen In love? -'๑'-

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Third person POV:

The weather turned out like shit after they left the building. It was pouring rain.

"Shit.. She passed out again." Tom said struggling a little by the rain getting in to his way.

"Well she got beaten up pretty bad.. Of course she will pass out. You wouldn't though so you don't know." Bill mumbled.

Katya was already awake but her head hurt real bad, so she got support from Bill.

Katya was seated in Bills car. Bill apparently "suffered" because she was groaning all the way back cause of the pain and it annoyed Bill.

Angela was in Tom's car of course. She was in the back, laying there looking beyond dead but she wasn't.


Tom's POV:

I was almost speeding like I speed in races. I cant believe that I fell for this girl so instantly.
I am Tom Kaulitz, the most feared mafia in Germany, one of the most feared in the world even.
I dont fall for girls, they fall for me.

I didn't even notice biting my lip so hard thinking about this that it bled a little but I forgot about it a second after Cause I was already pulling up into the hospitals parking lot.

My hands quickly surrounded Angela's unconscious body as I opened the hospitals door.

The nurses just looked at me terrified. They knew who I was.
I got furious by them just standing there, shitting their pants while I had a bad injured human being in my arms.

"HELP HER! What are you assholes standing there for?!" I shouted at them before they all began to run in different directions, picking up everything needed including Angela.

I saw her being drifted away into the hospitals corridors just before Bill walked in with Katya and demanded help for her too.

While we stood there, some nurses whispered to each other, glancing looks at us, especially me.
I pretended not to notice them so I could overhear their conversation.

"Can you believe it? He actually has a little piece of a heart?" one of the nurses whispered.

"this isnt Tom! He wouldnt save someone except his gang members.. Especially not a woman!" another one mumbled under her breath.

"I know right! Has he fell in LOVE?"

I clenched my jaw tightly before slamming the door out of my way.
My cars engine roared before I took off. I needed to clear out my mind.

Angela's POV:

My eyes blinked slowly. My vision was blurry and all I could see was the bright lights above me and a white celling.

I began to lift my head up before someone pushed me down with so not little strenght but I still fell.

"Hey, hey..slow down there." A soft voice echoed in my ears beside me.
I turned my gaze at the nurse sitting next to me. She had a white mask on with baby teal colored nurse dress. Her hair had two buns. She was a brunette and her eyes were gorgeous.

"Am I in.. the hospital?" I whispered, having no strenght in talking louder.
My head suddenly stinged and I groaned.

"Dont talk, okay? Have some rest. Youve been injured pretty badly. Your lip is swollen." she said.

I rested before someone popped into my head. Two people.



"Where is Katya..?" I asked, my eyes still closed.

"Oh that shortie?" she giggled under her mask. "she's fine don't worry. She isn't that much injured."

"And Tom?"
I asked, not opening my eyes.
The nurse didn't respond. There was an akward silence in the room that made me feel uneasy.

After a minute she replied.
"Why?" she asked curiously.
I opened my eyes and looked at her, her bright blue eyes staring trough my soul.

"I dont know." I muttered out. I actually didn't know. Why did I think of him? Have I fallen for him?.. No..

"I think you should rest." she smiled softly at me and patted my shoulder gently before standing up and leaving the room, leaving a cup of water next to me.

___695 words ___

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