21.-'๑'-what A Jerk.-'๑'-

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Angela's POV:

"What the actual fuck.. how did you find me?!" I mouthed out with my eyes wide open in shock.

"I saw your car parked here while I was driving and I thought I'd stop here to make sure you're safe." Tom replied with a calm voice, not breaking eye contact with me.

I sighed and looked away into the stars. Why is he always supposed to be everywhere I am? I have 3 passed out human beings in my car.

"I can help you carry your friends to the house." he spoke up, noticing me stressed.

" What the hell is up with you?! If you want something from me just say it. I wont probably have it anyway." I growled at him. Why was he being so nice all of a sudden?

He looked down at the ground. He looked.. upset? But why?

"Sorry." I mumbled out of embarrassment. "Thank you for saving me and my best friend by the way. It was really.. nice of you." I added, not looking at him but I swear a smile formed on his face as I said that.

"I've waited for that." He chuckled. "C'mon, ill help you get them to their bedrooms." he added.

I nodded and got into my car, driving off, not really waiting for Tom cause he knew where my house was anyway. I drove past a drift show. God I just love watching these things. I cant wait to drift in the circle with my new car ill buy very soon with the money in mine and Katya's bank account, but that wasn't even a little piece of what Tom had alone. He and his gang were fucking loaded..

I drove past buildings and shops as my windows were rolled down and the warm air calmed my nerves. Maybe Tom wasnt that dangerous, To me.


We reached our house and I pulled up to our garage, letting Tom's car in too. I took Katya by the hand and lifted her up, walking into the house directly to her room as I heard Tom picking up Astrid and Isabella up ant lifting them up on his shoulders like no biggy at all. He was strong as well.

"Where should these two go?" he asked me from downstairs while I tucked Katya into bed.

"Just place them on the sofa and throw a blanket over them." I replied, closing Katya's door behind me and walking downstairs. Tom put them both down on the couch and picked up a random blanket from one of the guest bed rooms and placed it on top of them.

"Thanks for the help." I sighed in tiredness. "Thanks a lot" I added looking at him in the eyes. He smirked at me and went closer to me. I stepped back, blushing slightly. He took a few more steps up to me as I took a few steps back again. We did that until I hit the wall behind me and he got really close. I swear I was burning up.

"And where is my award?" He smirked at me, saying this sentence with a flirty tone.

"Stop being such a bastard." I hid my face in my palms as My face went red.

He chuckled and leaned in. I was still hiding my face with my hands but he then touched them lightly before moving them out of my face.

"Dont you fucking dare." I hissed at him but he just grinned.

"I wont dont worry, but you need to." he tilted his head, still keeping his goofy grin on his face.

"I hate you." I mumbled, turning my face away from him, feeling my heart beating faster and faster every second that passes.

"Come on.. Just on the cheek?" He pleaded.

"I suppose so." I muttered out and faced him. My hands pulled his face closer and I gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

I blushed a little.

"such a shame I couldn't get a bigger award." he looked at my lips and then back up at my eyes, grinning.

I leaned in a little as he began to close his eyes but I stopped and turned my face away again.

"Just get out." I growled at him.

"well isn't that sad." He laughed as he left the house. Jerk.

___713 words___

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