Chapter 40

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"We cannot just tolerate such behavior!" Eduardo tries to convince us that the 'behavior' of Neliono was not okay. I, personally, don't see any problems. My brothers and eldest sons too. I mean, he responded calm and with full right.

"You were overreacting. Lia just wanted to take her medicine so she won't have any problems while eating and you didn't even give her or Lio a chance to explain it!" - Mario replies.

"No your place, I'm still the capo! And I thought it was drugs!" - Eduardo looks really done, driving his hands trough his hair and and growl deep.

"Nevertheless, Mario is right. I think we all are a bit too protective about them and every little situation drives us crazy. It's normal. But we need to look at it in the perspective from them: They barely know us. Mistrust is normal too. And they both seem like without trust you don't get any further by them." - Angolo, Eduardos second oldest son, states truthfully. His a doctor and has equal to Riccardo, a feeling for people and psychology.

"Definitely." - Riccardo agrees to him. "Maybe we also get a bit further with the strange happenings the last days. And I would really like to spend time with them. Getting to know them. Hell, I don't even know their favorite color as their big brother."

And with one second, the mood changes positive again. The Nes are, nevertheless, our light. Our happiness in this dark world and I look forward to live with them. Like a normal family again.

"Or what are their hobbies." - Elijah adds.

"I think they're little water rats." - Apollo smiles. "Maybe they even surf."

"That would be cool, especially for the boys." - Antonio chuckles, leaning still against the wall. Apollo nods at him.

"Maybe they're fighters." - Suddenly, we all look at Fidelio like he went crazy. He lifts his hands in defeat. "They are still DeLucas. It would be possible."

"They were in the music room for a long time." - My eldest son, Alessandro speaks up for the first time after the revelation with Nelione' dead and the last days. This all is more exhausting for him  than he wants to admit it. Feelings are a fault from all of us. Only a few from the De Luca family know how to deal with them. Often we just shove them aside to work without disturbs and let them out in the gym or by sex. I know not the right way, but we don't know otherwise. So with their coming back, we all have so much feelings like never before. Mostly good - a bit worry, of course too.

But I have the feeling - at least one - that everything will turn good again. For the whole family. My sons are completely different than the last time I saw them. More around the house and each minute making sure that they are alright.

My brothers and I are together again. Not only for the business but as a family.

And my parents. My parents were the biggest worry for me. Father is the most heartless person I've ever met. He's still silent, watching the happenings and interactions from a light distance, but nevertheless I can see the flames in his eyes. The first emotion ever and they will make him soft. Us all.

To see my mother in this new situation, is likely one of the most beautiful sights. She's smiling, a real smile coming from her heart. And now that she heart about them being in the music room, her eyes nearly fell out.

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