First day pt.1 (george)

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"Wake up sleepy head" George whispered shaking the sleeping boy.

"It's time for school" you mumbled kissing his head.

"Mummy?" He crocked waking up

"I'm right here sweetie" you assured Dhani lifting him from his bed and cuddling him.

It was finally you and George's sons first day of school. You had been dreading it for weeks because now you would be home alone all day. The two of you would normally go to the park whilst George was at the studio. That wasn't going to happen anymore.

"Come on bud you need to get ready" George yawned not used to being up so early.

He took Dhani from your arms and took him downstairs for breakfast.

Taking the uniform out of the wardrobe you neatly placed it on the bed ready for him to put on. You made your way downstairs to be met with the beautiful of their laughter.

"What's so funny mister?" you asked wrapping your arms around Dhani from behind.

"Daddy made silly faces on my pancakes!" He squealed trying to show you.

"They are funny" you laughed tickling him and kissing his cheek.

"Stop it mummy!" He cried laughing.

You let him eat his pancakes and took as seat next to George.

"Morning beautiful" he mumbled kissing you.

"Morning love" you mumbled back playing with his hair.

"Daddy's hair is so long I want mine to be like his!" Dhani interrupted

"Yeah?" George asked ruffling the boys hair.

"Mhm" he mumbled mouth full of pancake.

"I like your hair long" you admitted playing with George's hair

George smiled at you.

"I really do, I like playing with it" you added.

"Well at least you like it" he chucked getting up to wash his plate.

"I like it too daddy!" Dhani agreed handing George his plate.

"Then we need to start growing your hair" you told him lifting him from the floor.

"Can we really?" he asked looking at you with hopeful eyes.

"Of course, but right now you need to get ready for school" you informed him chasing him up the stairs.

He ran into his room and stopped when he saw his uniform laid out.

"Is this what I have to wear?" He questioned looking up at you.

"Yeah, you're going to look so smart" you cried kissing his cheek.

"Stop mummy!" He giggled wiping his face.

You helped him change and called George up to the room.

"Oh look at my smart boy!" George beamed with open arms.

Dhani ran to his father squeezing him tight.

"I'm all ready daddy" he laughed as his father lifted him into the air.

Your heart melted at the sight. George and you had always discussed having children early on in your relationship, and both agreed you wanted multiple. Days like today are when you see truly how good of a father George is.

"Come on little man I think you'll find there's someone at the door" you told him as he wiggled out of George's embrace.

He ran down the stairs followed by you and George slowly walking behind.

"Hurry up!" he squealed with excitement.

You and George laughed quickening your pace. On queue the doorbell rang which had Dhani running and opening the door.

"Dhani!" The three boys cheered as he ran and hugged them all.

"Dhani babe let them come inside" you laughed as the boys showered him with love.

"Okay" he mumbled dragging them in.

They all sat on the sofa whilst showing them his school bag and all his pens and pencils.

"Mummy hippos not in my bag!" He panicked digging through his bag.

"Hey calm down it's okay. He's upstairs" you told him leaving him with he boys.

Sat on his bed was a purple hippo teddy. Paul had got it for him when he was born and ever since that day he's not left the house without him. You told Dhani to keep it in his back though because other children might make fun of him.

"Here he is" you announced causing his head to whip round in your direction.

"Thank you" he whispered hugging you tight.

"Picture time!" George sang walking into the room clutching the camera.

Dhani jumped up and stood smartly making you all laugh. You took your place next to him and knelt beside him. Your arms were wrapped around him and you both had big smiled plastered on your faces.

"Cheese!" Dhani mumbled through the smile. The boys laughed in response.

Then you made sure to get a picture of your boys. George was knelt next to Dhani and they both had cheesy grins on their faces. Dhani wanted a picture with the Beatles so they all got in with George and smiled towards the camera.

"Hear love give me that you get in with them" Paul spoke pointing to Dhani and George.

The fist picture was of the three of you smiling and the other one was you and George kissing Dhani's cheeks.

"Alright mate let's get you to school" George piped up.

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