Nights out (john)

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IDEA FROM Bubblingover_girl

Closing the back door you rushed to the street hoping tout our parents wouldn't see you. Paul and George two of your mates had invited you to the cavern club. But if your parents found out you was going out they would kill you.

Upon arriving at the cavern you was greeted by the smell of smoke and alcohol. Looking around you searched for the boys when your eyes landed on them.

"Y/N!" Paul called as you walked towards them.

"Hey" you laughed at his excitement.

You took a seat opposite the two boys so you could look at them when they spoke.

"Nice to see you Y/N" George admitted sipping his drink.

"You too George" you replied shaking your coat off.

"You want a drink?" Paul asked standing from his seat.

"Oh don't worry I'll get it" you told him reaching into your bag.

"Don't be silly, my treat" he smiled

"Okay a lemonade then please" you nodded before turning back to George.

"So, do your parents know you're here?"  He asked swirling his straw.

You shook your head at the boy.

"There's no way they would let me come here. Cyn's out with her boyfriend though so I'm hoping they don't turn up" you told him 

He chuckled before Paul arrived back with your drink.

"Thanks" you mumbled taking a sip.

"No problem" he assured you sitting next to George.

"So I hear you have a girlfriend Georgie" you teased him causing him to go red.

"Maybe" he mumbled.

You and Paul laughed.

"Oh come on mate. Who is she?" Paul asked

"If you must know her name is Jennifer Brewer, and I really like her" he admired smiling brightly.

"Aww our Georgie has a cute girlfriend" Paul teased George causing you to laugh.

"Alright alright, what about you Y/N?" George asked deflecting the attention to you.

"I don't know really, I'm not dating anyone. I don't even know if I like anyone" you chucked because your answer was always the same.

"You'll find someone" Paul assured you giving you a sympathetic look.

"Cyn's got a boyfriend now. His names John. I haven't met him yet but he seems nice enough" you told them thinking back to the night when Cynthia sat with you and gushed about John.

"Oh yeah?" George raised his eyebrows.

"Mhm" you hummed.

"What does he look like?" Paul asked with hide eyes.

"I don't know, all she said was he had brown hair and wares a leather jacket" you answered.

"Is he the John stood behind you?" George asked looking past you.

Turning around you was met with a tall figure. His brown hair styled up in a tall teddy boy quif. He wore a black leather jacket and drainpipe trousers.

"John, John Lennon. Cynthia Powell's boyfriend" he introduced himself holding his hand out for you to shake.

You shook his hand as he took the seat next to you.

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