Ep 6: Curious, Furious, Part 2

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The room stays silent until Haruno steps in, "Kunikida. The president has a contact for you."

The scene cuts to Kunikida, Atsushi, and Dazai walk around a small complex, Dazai a couple of feet behind the others.

"Dazai stop lagging behind and move it."


"Be gentle Kunikida he just came down from his mushroom high. Give the man a moment." said Tachihara.

"No, I don't think I will." said Kunikida.

"BOOO! You a big meanie Kuni~kida." said Dazai to which Kunikida could only roll his eyes.

Kunikida turns sharply around, "We only have two minutes and fifteen seconds till we meet this guy."

"That a caused for worry." drawls Dazai.

"Is it really okay for me to come along?" interrupts Atsushi.

Kunikida doesn't look back as he nods, "It's part of your rookie training. We need to solve a case involving a series of disappearances in Yokohama."

"Oh wonderful, we finally get to see what that agency gets up to in an real investigation. How interesting." said Kouyou.

To which Chuuya let out a little chuckle at her comment.

"A good old anonymous tip. How very convenient and terribly suspicious," Dazai remarks with his arms above his head.

Kunikida says, "Even so, we can't ignore it."

"So we are going to check out this place, whatever it is?" Atsushi looking at Kunikida.


Kunikida glances at him, "We are investigating the tip's source."

"Detective work seems to be headache inducing. Couldn't be me." said Tachihara with a slight laugh.

"Well, that's more because Kunikida is a taskmaster." said Dazai.

Kunikida starts down a dark path and stops when he sees a young man at a computer,

"How's the work coming along, informant?"

The guy grins, "Not bad, Four Eyes. Better than your notebook, I bet." The man is surrounded by a computer with a mainframe setup and a giant fish tank behind him.

"That's a lot of attitude coming from someone who be consider a glorified cyber crimal." Kunikida remarks. Finally, coming to a stop with Dazai behind him looking bored and Atsushi seeming amazed by the cyber criminal's setup. "If your actives came to light your father would be very disappointed in you."

"Don't bring him into this, Kunikida." snarls the man.

To see him lively and full of life. Kunikida could only see him at the end bleeding out after he took a bullet made for him. He wasn't his father; he wasn't even closer. He wish the boy could have walked away from his revenge that day took another way. As his angry and sorrow grew he could only turn away from the screen and from the corner of his eye he saw Dazai. He seemed to see right through him, reading his thoughts and the direction it was going.

Atsushi was surprised by the tone shift.

"More importantly, you're late. How unusual so what where you on a date?" The cyber crimal said turning to the group.

"Of course not–."

"Yeah, he had a date with Dazai's insanity." Tanizaki said, finally feeling a little bit more like himself.

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