Chapter 37

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Nash's POV

I let myself give in. What if Chloe is not what she looks like? She could be completely different. So I invited her over today.

I heard my mom on the phone. "Is it okay if she comes over? Hayes needs tutoring and Nash has a guest coming over, so he won't be able to watch Skylynn. I know they have some rough history, but please, just this once?" "Okay. Thank you so much. Are you sure she doesn't mind?" "Okay, tell her I said thank you." She put down the phone.

"Yes Nash?"
"Who was that on the phone?"
"None of your business."
"Is someone coming over? You know Chloe's coming over, right?"
"Yes. I'm aware of Chloe coming over. And yes, someone is coming over. I'm late for salsa lessons! I told your dad I wouldn't be there late!" She rushed out the door.

About 20 minutes later, there was a ring on the door bell.

I opened it.


"What are you doing here?" I asked, kinda mean sounding. "I'm here to tutor Hayes and watch Skylynn. None of your business anyways." She walked passed me. "I don't even get a hello?" "You would if you deserved it."

"Why are you so mad at me? I know we had some rough times but that wasn't my fault." I screamed at her. "It never is your fault, and you need to watch out for me more. We were in so much danger. How can you just pull me into that? It's not right to pull me into your problems."

The door bell rang.

I opened it.

"Hi Nash! Oh my god your house is so big!" Chloe invited herself in, and stood in front of me. "Why are you here?" "I'm tutoring Hayes. I don't want to interrupt, so I'll be going now." Finnley walked up the stairs into Hayes' room.

Finn's POV

I opened the door to Hayes' room. "Hey Finn." He smiled at me. "Hayes, what do you need help with?" I smiled back. "Uhm... This may sound kinda stupid but..." "Come on Hayes. I'm here to help you." "Fine. Can you teach me how to ask a girl out?" I laughed. He got mad at me. "Okay okay. Who's this girl?" "Aaliyah."

Aaliyah. We used to be best friends. Our friendship just, broke apart.

"Aaliyah. You're lucky I know her well. So let's do this."

Things Happen. (A Nash Grier Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now