Chapter 43

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Finnley's POV

I stared across the room, at the side with a huge banner reading "viners." I looked behind me and mine read "youtubers." I sat next to Kian and Connor. O2l was here, multiple British youtubers, and loads of gamers. It's amazing to meet all of your somewhat coworkers behind the cameras.

The other side displayed tons of familiar faces that kind of stressed me out. Magcon boys and other famous viners stared at our side. One of them stood out of the crowd and didn't stop staring at me. The same piercing blue eyes that I can't bear to admire. It was Nash, staring right at me. It was different this time, the stare was of envy. He's pissed off at me or something. I don't see why I matter to him, Chloe is sitting right next to him. I waved at Matt and he gave me his cute double chin. Nash rolled his eyes.

"As you all know, this is a new panel. The YouTube vs. Vine panel has sold out in under a minute, so we will definitely provide you with your money's worth." Link Neal, the one who set up this panel, laughed and the crowd filled with smiles. "On this side we have YouTube. And on the other, we have Vine." Rhett McLaughlin, Link's best friend, announced to the crowd. "You folks, in the crowd, can ask questions to both Vine and YouTube. They will provide an answer, defending their social media." Rhett smiled. "ALRIGHT! LET'S GET THIS THING STARTED!" Link yelled.

Hands in the crowd shot up, Rhett chose a girl in the crowd. "Why are YouTube videos SOOO long?!" She stressed. "YouTube, do you have an answer for that?" Link said. Twaimz laughed and replied, "Why are Vines SOOO short?" This shot the crowd up in anger. "Well. Vines are 6 second videos, it's a time limit." Nash added while his girlfriend, Chloe, clung on to him like a bat. "YouTube videos are longer than some stupid 6 second ones, nothing's interesting in just 6 seconds." Kian replied. "But vines are more of relatable, quick videos. TEAM VINE FOREVERR!" Chloe screamed. The whole room grew silent out of confusion. Nobody knew who she was.

"and who are you...?" I separated the silence. The crowd bursted out into laughter.

"HEY! STOP LAUGHING AT HER! FINNY ESPINOSA, THAT IS THE RUDEST THING YOUVE EVER SAID!" Nash defended. "FINNY Espinosa?" Kian looked at me with a confused face. "FINNY ESPINOSA?!" Chloe screamed. I stood quiet for the rest of the panel, unable to comprehend whatever just happened.

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