Chapter 42

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Finn's POV

I woke up really early this morning because today is Playlist Live! I'm so excited. Matt and I went to the airport. We drank Starbucks while we waited for our flight. "You know Nash is gonna be there, right?" Matt said, staring at his phone. "I don't really care, to be honest. Nash seems pretty set with Chloe. I don't plan to 'back off' because I don't care enough to come near." "Just don't get jealous" Matt laughed. "Shut up, butthead" I laughed back at him.

We boarded our flight and took off. The flight attendant came over asking what you want to drink and if you want peanuts. Matt asked for a coke and not one, not two, but three packs of peanuts. "You're really gonna eat that much?" I questioned him. "I'm a growing boy!" Matt shoved peanuts in his mouth.

The airplane landed and we headed to the venue place. I was really nervous because it was my first time at Playlist live and I was scared for the panel.

They did something special this year. Vine and YouTube are in the same panel. Our conference tables are gonna be across from each other, and the audience is in the middle. This isn't a youtuber or viner meet and greetish panel. It's more of a fight going back and forth between YouTube and Vine- which one is better.

Matt and I parted, I went to the Youtuber side, he went to the Viner side.

I sat down on one of the many chairs. A few minutes went by and someone sat down next to me. "Hi! I'm Kian. What's your name?" "Finnley, but you can call me Finn." "Are you Finn Espinosa?!" He screamed a little bit. "Are you Kian Lawley?!" I giggled. "I'm surprised you even know my name, Kian." I smiled. "You're getting up there, Finn. You passed your brother in YouTube subscribers, who knows what else you can do!" He laughed.

Kian and I talked about random things until people started to fill the audience chairs. An announcer dude came out.


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