Chapter 18

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-Finn's POV-

We all drove to a pizza place. 

All the girls sat on one side, the boys on the other.

We hear the door chime. Someone walked in. Unfortunately.

It was Peter and Marie. 

My black eye was gone and so was my big bruise on my side. I was also 20 days clean. Oh, and yea, these were the other people coming to Magcon with us.

Since Peter's brother is Jack Johnson, he is coming on tour with us. And he's bringing his girlfriend, Marie. Well damn.

But I try to ignore them, but they just are so negative. All the other girls HATE Marie. They think she's a stuck up snob, after what she did to me. 

And the guys HATED Peter. Even Jack hates him! He is just another douchebag as everyone in the crew calls him. They don't belong here. 

I was silent until Marie brought me up.

"So girls! I'm so excited to go on tour with you guys. Are you going Finn? Gosh, I hope not." Marie flashed an evil grin at me and smiled at the others.

"Actually, I'm not excited AT ALL to go on tour with you. And yes, Finn is coming. Gosh, I wish you weren't." Mahogany dissed. Everyone hollered "OOOOO" It was super funny.

"Uhm, excuse me? I guess Mahogany isn't that nice." Marie glanced away.

"She's nicer than you'll ever be." Aaliyah mumbled. 

"Did i hear what i thought i heard? What did you say?" Marie said angrily.

"I didn't stutter." Aaliyah smiled. Everyone 'OOO'ed.

"Now you decide to talk? Nobody wanted to hear your irritating voice." Marie snapped.

"Why were you born? Nobody wanted you to be." I yelled back. Fist bumping Nash.

"Whatever. I can beat you up in a snap of a finger." Marie gloated.

"You can't beat me up even if you tried. And what should I be afraid of? Your puny arms look deadly." I giggled. Everyone laughed too.


"If you were my friend, you wouldn't have given me a black eye. If you were my friend, you wouldn't have kicked me in my sides. If you were my friend, you wouldn't have caused all the pain that you caused. Don't you ever accuse us of not letting you 'fit in' because you never will. You can't force your way in, because nobody wanted you here." I said staring at my slice of pizza. Everyone was silent.

"I didn't mean to hurt you.... I-" She said so innocently, but was cut off by Nash.

"What do you mean you didn't mean to hurt her? You punched her and kicked her! How is that and accident?"

"Nash! You know I still love you! Just break up with her, you can do so much better!" Marie pleaded.

"The ugly truth is, ever since we started dating Marie, I realized how you are such a horrible person. I didn't want to be with you, I just had to because you were so into me. But when I met Finn, I realized that I don't give a fuck about you. I wanted Finn. She is much sweeter. And she's most certainly not a slut, unlike you." Nash smiled. A bunch of "DAAYYUUUMM"s trailed behind him.

"I know you still love me." Everyone started laughing.

"Yeah right. I don't even think your mother does!" Aaliyah laughed and high fived me.

"I have Peter now anyway. See your mistake, Nash?" Marie snarled.

"It's your mistake for dating a douchebag and hurting Finn!" Jack Johnson, Peter's own brother, said staring Marie in the eyes.

"Bro? What the hell!?!?!" Peter questioned.

"Listen. Ever since you were little, you were a huge douchebag. I would have told you but at the right time. The right time is now! I hate you little brother!" Jack Johnson threw his fist up in the air. We all joined and screamed 'WE HATE PETER!'

Peter and Marie left the hate table and went to go sit by themselves.

Afterwards, everyone went to Nash's house to sleepover. Except Peter and Marie, they were probably doing unimportant shit.

We all sat in Nash's huge room. I snuggled up with Nash and everyone else with their girlfriends. We each had our own little conversations.

"I'm really glad you're my girlfriend. You're the best I've ever had." Nash whispered as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Me too. I do wish you would kiss me more often." I said giggling. He was leaning in but I ran away.

"IF YOU WANT TO KISS ME YOU HAVE TO GET ME!" I screamed dashing out of Nash's room. He chased after me.

We went around the tables, over the couches, and in every room in the house. He finally caught me and carried me back into his room.

Once we got back in his room, he kissed me and threw me on the bed.

"Get a room." Rachel and Cam screamed. We laughed and all fell asleep. 

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