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Elena examined the red haired woman before her. The almost replica of herself. "I'm sorry dear, my name is Yuko Uta? Maybe you've heard of me?" Yuko said, smiling gently at her, despite the cuts in her face.

Elena's tears kept coming. "M-my name is Elena Aizawa. My birth-name is Shira Uta." She cried, looking at Yuko, holding her hands. "What? But my daughter is newly born-" She began, her eyes widening.

Elena only cried, and that's when Yuko realized that what she said was truth, and decided to ask more about it later when she was calmed down.

Yuko gave Elena a hug, keeping her close as she kept massaging her head.

As Elena slowly started breathing calmer, she let go and looked at her. "18 years ago, when y-you gave birth to me...the man who has us kidnapped today, killed you and kidnapped me." Elena tried, sniffling as she looked at Yuko.

Yuko's eyes widened immensely. "For 16 years the man made me believe that he was my father before I found out it wasn't true, by dad..." She shook, holding Yuko's hands. "Shota? Is he okay?" Yuko asked, only for Elena to nod.

"He's fine. But how are you okay?!" Elena asked, looking at her. "I don't know. It didn't feel like it had been even an hour since I felt that excrutiating pain once I woke up in this place." Yuko explained, making Elena sigh.

"That's right." The door slammed open and showed Junichiro there, hands in this pockets. "You were dead for 18 years. But about a month ago I dug you up from your grave and revived you using the reverse drug that I stole from Shigaraki when he got captured.

After All For One reversed his age, I realized, why not revive Elena's lost mother back to when she was alive, and make her watch her die a slow death?" Junichiro kept going, making Elena's eyes widen.

"You're sick!" Elena yelled. "Yeah, but whatever. You're gonna suffer for it." He smirked before closing the door.

"I'm not gonna let him kill you. I'm not gonna let dad suffer again." Elena chanted, grabbing ahold of Yuko.

"We will protect each other, and that's that. Okay?" Yuko said, tears appearing in her eyes at the thought of missing 18 years of her own life. Not to mention 18 years of her own daughter's life. "Okay, can we just talk about your life? I-I've missed 18 years of it...so why not tell me about it?" She asked, making Elena sniff before nodding.

They went to sit by a wall before Elena talked.



"I can't wait to meet Katsuki!" Yuko said, smiling at her. "He's the best. He makes me food all the time. Oh and you know when I was in a coma for 10 months? Yeah he stayed by my side every day! Occasionally brushing my hair, talking to me and buying me flowers." Elena day dreamed, smiling at the thought. She had her head on Yuko's shoulder as they talked.

"Sounds like Shota. He used to be like that. Always so lovey dovey and gave me stuff on a constant basis. Especially when I was pregnant." Yuko laughed, holding Elena around her shoulders.

"Dad is the best. He let me, Katsuki, Hitoshi, Mina, Kirishima and Denki on a trip to Okinawa. Of course he and Uncle Zashi came, but you know." Elena told her.

"Was it nice there?"

"Yeah, till we were on our way home. Because that's where Junichiro took me." Elena said, making Yuko sigh. "We'll get out eventually. Shota never gives up on finding the people he loves." She told her.

Elena nodded, smiling slightly. "What time is it?" They wondered at the same time before laughing.
"I'm so happy that you're alive right now." Elena smiled.

𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 - 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐎𝐂Where stories live. Discover now