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About a week went by and then it was time for school again. Elena had a few months to study for her finals now. However, the class sat in the classroom, waiting for Shota to enter, and that he soon did.

"Good morning class. Elena, will you be nice and come outside with me? I have your finals test results." Shota smiled, making Elena's whole demeanor soften, seeing his proud smile.

Elena eyed Katsuki behind her as she walked out. Shota stood, leaning against the wall as he looked through the papers. Just as Elena closed the door, Shota reached out and patted her head.

"You got a full score."  He smiled, putting his papers down. "There were some things we had to think about little extra about, whether they were right or not, or if they were an exception. But you got the full score nonetheless. I noticed that you tend to think out of the box a lot. How come?" He asked her as she wore a big smile on her face.

"Well, sometimes when I'm not sure I just try to use everything I know to come to an conclusion. My brain activity is always active due to my quirk hence me thinking outside of the box. I had like, all the time in the world to do everything so I speculated on a lot of things." She sweatdropped. "Huh. Okay. Now to the practical exam results. You managed to win, obviously. But some things could improve more. Yuko noticed it too." He hummed.

"You rely too much on your quirk. To be able to fight with ease you need to find strength in your body as well. I know you tend to do martial arts using your quirk as support, but I want to be able to see you do it without it entirely. Therefore I will be training you to perform it using raw strength for the last few months of your third year." Shota explained.

"We noticed that you're extremely dependent on your quirk. And its main source is from your brain activity. And every time you use it, doesn't matter if it's telekinesis or brainwashing, you get tired. Your brain remains more and more unfocused. That's why we want to train you. Just to make it clear." Shota explained further as Elena nodded.

"It will be a pleasure to train with you, dad." She laughed, only for Shota to look around in the empty hallway before smiling at her. "That's my girl." He said before he hugged her, Elena wrapping her arms around his torso. "You'll become one hell of a hero." He smiled and kissed her head before patting it. "You got that right!" Elena boasted, giggling evilly as Shota reopened the door to walk in.

"So, how did it go?!" Mina asked loudly, standing up as the rest of the class got curious. "Aced that shit! Full score." Elena laughed as everyone cheered. Katsuki smiled at her as she sat down. "This calls for celebration! Katsuki-kun, will you treat her, and us, to a restaurant this weekend?" Mina asked, pouting. "Oh hell no! You guys are expensive. I'll treat my girlfriend to a restaurant this weekend. And that's it." He replied, his eyebrows scrunching.

"Awh..." Mina pouted. "That reminds me, have you two ever been on a date?" Eijiro asked as the class went back to talking. "I mean, in our first year we went to our signature spot a lot. We have McDonald's dates and movie dates...a lot." Elena shrugged. Eijiro glared at Katsuki before grabbing his hand and dragging him out. "Oi! What the hell?!" Katsuki yelled as Eiji dragged him out.

Elena and Mina looked at each other before shrugging. "He's probably gonna teach him a lesson." Hitoshi explained as he sat down on Katsuki's desk behind Elena. "What lesson? I mean, sure we have never gone on a fancy restaurant. Except for when we were in Okinawa, but it's okay. I like our McDonald's dates and our movie dates. They're enough for me. There is no need to spend much money to go to a restaurant that probably will serve as much food as McDonalds." Elena sweatdropped as Katsuki walked back inside, his cheek red as he held it.

"You slapped him?!" Elena gasped at Eijiro. "Yeah, he needed some sense slapped into that brain of his." He sighed and sat down, grabbing Mina's hand, whom sat on his desk.

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