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it was passing period now. yujin was back and was once again at so-hye's desk. he was wondering, who the hell is this new guy sitting beside his girlfriend?

"baby?" he started cutely. he got a hum from the girl, who stood up from her seat to let hin sit there instead.

"who's the new guy?" he asked her, not sitting down in the chair, but pushing it in so they could go walk for a bit.

"hes the new kid that I mentioned to you last night, the one with the four brothers." she replied, holding onto his hand as they walked out of the class. "hwa already invited him into our group and it seems that hes a pretty nice person." she shrugged.

they stopped at the vending machine so the two could get some snacks.

"ah, I see. how are you, by the way? was yesterday okay?" he asked.

"I'm doing alright and yesterday was just okay. I missed you lots though." she replied, crouching down to get their items from the bottom slot.

"and you're the one complaining about me missing you." yujin jokingly scoffed, taking his items from her. "thank you."

"yeah, whatever. hows your mom? is she feeling better?" she asked, him wrapping his arm around her waist as they walked back.

"shes feeling better, still a bit unwell but shes getting healthier. I also missed you lots." he replies, giving her a kiss on her head. "you also smell super nice, new shampoo? conditioner?"

"aw, you noticed." she pouts. "yeah, it's a new set. I can give you one if you want?" she offered, looking at him.

"no, it's fine. and of course I'd notice, did you think I wouldnt?" he asked, offended.

"um, yeah? who usually remembers what someone smells like?"

"I'm your boyfriend and I've known you for forever, of course I'd know!" he defended himself with a frown.

"yeah, okay yujin." she brushed off, entering the classroom with him still wrapped around her waist.

"I'm hurt, hye. and wheres your blazer? and you need to button up more!" he pestered, letting go of her and standing in front to fix her uniform.

"I should be asking you that, stupid. I forgot my blazer since my mom washed it and I was running late. it's also super hot." she said, fixing his uniform for him as he fixed hers. "you didn't even put your tie on properly." she tsked, shaking her head as she literally undid it and did it for him.

"aw, look at those two, bickering like an old married couple." hwayoung sighs, glancing at her three exes who were conveniently all standing in the hallway together. "I wished one of my relationships was like that."

"at least you've been in a relationship, I'm going to be single for the rest of my life." yejun frowned. "so-hyeee! yujinnnn!" he whined, walking up to the two as they finished fixing each other's uniforms.

"yejunnnn!" replied the female.


it was once again lunch time. the big group of friends were at their usual table in the cafeteria, already talking together.

"no! don't say that, that's fucking nasty!" changmin disagrees.

"how is that nasty? all I said was-"

"no! no no no!"

"okay we get it then! no more, let's just talk about something else."

"oh my god, eunchae wait!"

"why are we such a mess today?" yejun sighed, gripping at his permed hair.

"wait what is he doing here?" was heard around the large cafeteria hall, everyone's attention turning towards the entrance.

"wait what?" so-hye asked, also turning towards the entrance, to see her younger brother frantically looking around.

"HYUN? WHAT'RE YOU DOING HERE?" she yelled, getting up and running towards him.

"noona..." he said, starting to cry.

"oh baby, what happened?" she asked, crouching down to face him.

"the teacher went out and didn't come back and the other ones not let me call mommy and I came here because I'm scared." he cried, making so-hye gasp.

"do you want me to call mom or do you want to look for your teacher?" she asked worriedly, pulling her phone out of her skirt pocket.

"can we call mommy?" he asked, sniffling heavily.

"of course we can. here, let's get some tissues for you first and we'll call, okay?"

"o-okay.." he slowly nodded, trying to rub his tears from his face.

he took hold of her bandaged hand as she walked with him back to her table.

"do any of you have napkins or something?" she asked them, her friends giving her all the tissues and napkins they had. "thanks guys." she thanked, crouching back down with them and helping him blow his nose.

"okay, let's call mom now." she said when he finished, and the two left the hall. they walked into an empty hallway and the girl dialed her mom.


"mom, hyun's teacher left and never came back to his class so he ran over to my school. do you think you or dad can come pick him up?"

"oh no... I hope shes okay. I'll be there really quickly, just wait for me at the front."

"okay, thanks mom. see you." and with that, youngmi hung up the call.

"okay hyun, mom will be here in a few minutes. I'll tell n/n and wook right now, but mom said to wait at the front so we have to go walk to the entrance." she informed, making him nod.

and now the group call based started.

"hello? n/n? wook? are you guys in class?"

"no, I have my lunch period right now. what's wrong?" gunwook replied.

"I was but it's fine, what's up? did something happen?" y/n answered.

"hyun's teacher left the class and hasn't returned so he came over to my school. mom is picking him up in a bit but we just wanted to tell you both as well."

"oh, damn okay. well I have one last class after this so I'll be home almost immediately." y/n said.

"yeah, I'm almost done with my classes too, so I'll also be home soon." gunwook adds.

"got it. I'll make sure to tell him. I'll see you later then, take care."

"yeah, you too. study hard." gunwook says.

"alright, see you. take care." y/n says as well before the call ended.

"they'll be at home for you in a bit, hyun. don't worry." so-hye relayed to him, making him nod again.

after a bit of waiting at the entrance, mother park finally arrived to pick minhyun up.

now, the girl was rushing back to the cafeteria after she washed her hands in the washroom.

"is he okay?!" yujin hurriedly asked. "are you okay?!"

"we're both fine... it's all good." she slightly panted from running there.

"that's good." he sighed out, falling into her arms after.

"it's all fine, nothing to worry about anymore." she said to the group, rubbing the worried yujin's hair.

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