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today, a few days after yujin suggested the idea, the youngins were having a sleepover at the park house. currently, minhyun, kyoran, yeoreum, and bom were in minhyun's playroom. gaeul and soyoung were happily playing with sohye in the living room. y/n, gunwook, hyunwoo, and yujin were in the living room with the girl, just doing whatever they were doing (they were doing a very competitive just dance competition).

"I think gaeul really likes you, princess." yujin said, sitting down beside her on the floor. the song they were doing just finished.

"gaeul and soyoung are getting along so well, I think they're best friends now." she smiled, watching the two babies be babies together.

"look at their little cheeks, I think I'm going to start sobbing, oh my god." she said after. "why does everyone here have literally the cutest cheeks ever? it's like heaven."

sohye really liked chubby cheeks. she thought that they were the cutest thing ever.

"they remind me of you, hwayoung, and shinae when you were younger." y/n said, patting sohye's head. "the cutest girls ever and super happy to be with each other."

"what can I say? they're my girls, and so are you. my favoritest sister ever." sohye smiled up at her older sister, blowing a kiss at her.

"then theres gunwook, my first best friend and favorite brother one. and hyunwoo, literally my favorite cousin in the world. you know that I love you guys a lot, right?" she said, looking back at the two mentioned males.

"aww hye, I love you too." gunwook cooed, pouting at the younger.

"I love you too, but you aren't my favorite cousin." hyunwoo joked, making the other girl roll her eyes before paying attention to the babies she was playing with.

"you know that I love you a lot too, bibi. you're the best boyfriend ever and I'd honestly never go and date someone else." she quietly told the boy beside her.

he pulled her into a side hug and kissed her cheek.

"you're the best girlfriend ever too. I'm glad that we're together, you know that I always want to be together with you." he told her back with a smile.


"kyoran! yum yum time!" y/n cheered. it was finally dinner time and the older kids were calling the younger kids for dinner.

minhyun, yeoreum, and bom all came out in a line. they were the "older" kids of the younger kids with yeoreum being 7 and bom being 4.

"hyun! yeoreum! bom! its dinner time!" sohye cheered as well, still carrying soyoung and gaeul. she's starting to get baby fever now and has an attachment to these two, as well as all the children currently in the house.

once all the children were out of the playroom, the two girls walked them to the kitchen, where yujin, hyunwoo, gunwook, and the park parents were. the yim parents were currently out with some friends that they haven't seen in a while.

"I am starving oh my goodness." hyunwoo sighed out, helping the children get sat on their chairs.

"where did we get the high chairs?" minhyun asked, scooting his chair closer to the table.

"your aunt and uncle brought them from america for your cousins." father park replies, sitting soyoung in her high chair. mother park put gaeul in the second high chair.

y/n put kyoran in the third high chair and the family sat down at the table. quickly, the group got to eating and feeding the children.


later after dinner, the kids went back to playing and the babies were asleep.

y/n, gunwook, sohye, hyunwoo, and yujin were all in the living room, in their pjs.

"I think I have baby fever." y/n sighed out.

"me too." sohye agreed. the two were plopped onto the couch, tired.

"baby fever is the worst thing ever. you don't want baby fever." hyunwoo warned. "you don't want a baby."

"you can't even have one, you're single as fuck." gunwook laughed.

"you are too, wook. both of you don't have the balls to even talk to a woman, let alone even having your own baby." y/n said, making gunwook stop laughing. "hye and I both have significant others if we wanted to have one, but I wouldn't let hye and yujin do that."

"yujin's been getting really bold recently and I don't know if I like it or not." gunwook whines.

"I haven't even done anything yet! what do you mean!" yujin frowns, pretty much laying on top of sohye, who was sprawled across a part of the couch. she wrapped her arms around his figure with a sleepy smile.

"shut up, you know noona will never do anything too much yet." hyunwoo said, laughing.

"hey yim hyunwoo, do you want to die?" sohye scoffed, hitting both hyunwoo and gunwook's legs.

"what do you mean yet? my little baby won't be doing anything until shes been married for five years." y/n also scoffed, also hitting both boy's legs.

"then hye, we should get married now." yujin joked.

"see what I mean?" gunwook frowns.

sohye giggled and quickly whispered into his ear, "not now, bibi. not in front of my family." she joked.

as the five talked a bit, a very loud scream was heard.




"what the hell is going on-" sohye gasped, the children running into the living room.

"YEOREUM NOONA KEEPS TRYING TO KISS ME!" minhyun screams. he ran to the couch and took cover behind gunwook.

"kids, shh. you'll wake up the babies." y/n hushed first. "yeoreum darling, do you keep trying to kiss minhyun?"

"eonnie, if I kiss him, my magical powers will grow like pucca!" the 7 year old replies.

"do you think my magical powers will grow if I kiss my cutie yujin?" sohye asked, jokingly. said boy was still laying on top of her, sandwiching her between him and the couch.

"if you have magical powers like pucca, yeah!" yeoreum answered.

"but pororo!" bom pouts.

"pororo!" minhyun cheered from behind gunwook.

"yeoreum, kissing minhyun won't give you pucca powers." yujin sighed.

"he's also not allowed to kiss anyone yet. only us." hyunwoo said, shaking his head.

"only the park family." minhyun said, aggressively shaking his head.

"I don't see you kissing the park family though." yeoreum frowns.

"what do you mean? look!" the boy says, kissing gunwook on the cheek. he moved to kiss hyunwoo on the cheek as well before going to kiss sohye and y/n's lips. "see? only my family." he proved.

"hmph! fine." yeoreum gave up.

"can we watch pororo now?" bom asked. "I want to see molang."

"pororo!" minhyun cheered, running back to the playroom. the two girls followed behind him.

"now what the hell was that?" yujin asked, confused about what just happened.

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