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junseong was laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. he let out a sigh, hearing his older brother talk on the phone with the girl hes been talking to through the wall.

what was he doing at this hour? just so casually rethinking his life decisions, like every person while he tries to forget that there might be a bloodsucking monster under his bed.

"was it the right thing to even tell her that I liked hye? how do I untell her now?" he said to himself, turning to the stuffed lion that sohye got him one time. despite just becoming best friends with her, shes already done and got so much for him.

to him, she felt more like an older sister. not a crush anymore.

he felt that her love felt like both of his mother's love.

oh, did I mention that his current mom isnt his biological mom? his biological mom and his dad divorced when he was eleven, then his dad got married to his current mom when he was 12 and now he had two more younger siblings. junwoo and junho are really the only people that remind him of his actual mother, especially since his dad always refused to talk about her now.

"why did I even compete with yujin anyways?" he scoffed at himself, grabbing his phone from the nightstand beside his large bed.


han yujin

abt the thing w hye
I'm done w it
I'm over her now 👍
Sent 3:09AM


jennifer bae

are you up rn

hi junseong
yeah I'm up, I'm at work rn
what's up?

how do I fully get rid of my feelings for a girl?

is this abt the girl you told me abt?

I realized that shes more like an older sister to me
but at the same time
theres the small feeling that I still like her like that

have you tried telling her yet?
maybe that will work
because then you can fully let go of her

I havent tried that yet
I'll tell her rn
thank you noona

no problem


park sohye 🥰

are you up rn?

oh hi seong

do you think we can ft rn?
I have something to tell you

oh yeah sure

park sohye 🥰 is facetiming you

"hello? what's wrong?"

"nothings wrong, really. I just wanted to get something off my chest."

"oh yeah, sure. what is it?"

"I just wanted to say that I like you. I know you're with yujin and everything but I just wanted to tell you so I could stop liking you like this."

"oh. oh wow. seong-"

"you don't have to say anything about it, really."

"no I- i really appreciate it, the fact that you've liked me, confessed, and thought about me and yuj. if I wasnt together and madly in love with him, I have a feeling that I'd like you too."

he chuckled. "that's funny. you don't have to worry about now, though. I'm starting to see you like the older sister I've never had. I guess with so many brothers, I just need a woman's love and guidance in my life, so I'm glad that we're friends."

"no, I totally get you. even though I was my mom's only daughter before y/n came and her youngest child, gunwook was always more prioritized because he was older and had more experience or whatever. then y/n joined the family and minhyun was born a few years after, and suddenly, I'm every typical middle child. why do you think I got away with so many things in school?"

"no but for real, I'm also glad that we're friends. best friends. you're really a fun and amazing person to be with. you know, I also found myself thinking that you were like another younger brother, just one that doesn't favor my older sister over me."

"I'm glad that you're taking this all so calmly, somehow. I honestly feel like the middle child too sometimes, even if I'm not. it's just weird but it makes sense. my mom right now prioritizes my two younger brothers, especially since they are her real children. me and my other two brothers arent her children, we came from another woman. we're also old enough to take care of ourselves so it makes even more sense."

"anyways, I'm glad that you surprisingly dont care much about this. thanks for being the older sister I've never had and never will have."

"you know what? the next time we hang out, I'll treat you for ice cream or something. thanks for telling me this, I really think it'll strengthen our bond or whatever. who knows, maybe I'll treat you like an actual younger brother." she shrugged.

"I think it's time for you to sleep, it's really late."

"why arent you asleep yet?"

"I have family from overseas over so everyone but the children and babies are up right now. anyways, I'll go. make sure to fall asleep soon, you big baby." she chuckled.

"night, junseong. I'll talk to you later."

"bye, sohye. see you later." he replied before she ended the call.

he finally got it off his chest. it felt nice.

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