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so-hye was at the dining table, having a bowl of cereal for breakfast with minhyun. it was a saturday, and this time, they weren't going on some sort of surprise trip.

did they have any plans that day? sohye wasn't sure. all she knew was there will be no more surprise trips with a bunch of people for a while.

"hyun, what should we do today?" sohye finally asked, breaking the silence between the two park youngests.

it was weird, bunching herself with minhyun as the youngest, even if she technically was. I mean, they had such a large age gap. 11 years? well damn, that's basically how old her friendship is with hwayoung, shinae, and yejun.

"I want to go to the movies." he replied. "I want to watch the spiderman movie."

"let's ask mom or dad if they come here later." she nodded. she also wanted to watch the new spiderman movie.


within the next hour, the family of six was up and out of the house. they were going to the mall for two easy reasons, youngmi wanted to go to the mall and there was a theater at the mall they were at. the mall? starfield coex mall, asia's largest underground mall. why did they decide to go to the biggest mall in the middle of seoul? no idea.

sohye got out of the car first since she had the door seat, fixing her outfit as she stood beside the car door. today, she was wearing black wide legged jeans (she wasn't going to risk a leak with anything lighter or shorter), a plain white cropped shirt, and one of the jackets that yujin gave her. it was a blue varsity jacket with the number '07' on the front of it. it had 'YJ HAN' on the back in white. she swung her black fanny pack across her torso and then she was finished.

obviously, she was wearing jewelry and other accessories, but do you really want to know what else she was wearing?

"okay, let's go." junyeong said, closing the driver door and locking the car multiple times.

they walked through the mall parking lot and into the mall, via one of the mall entrances.

their movie was at 5 and it was currently 1:20, so they had so much time to spare.

the first thing they did was go to the food court so they could get something to eat for lunch.

the four children were left at the table as their parents went to go get food.

"uh hi?" two girls asked, appearing beside gunwook at their table.

"huh? oh hi." he said, turning to face them.

"hi uh, so our friend over there," one of them started, pointing at their friend at another table. "she thinks you're really cute and she wants to know if she could get your instagram or something."

sohye nudged gunwook, trying to tell him to give it to them.

"ah, sorry. I dont use any sns." he apologizes, slightly bowing his head in apology. the girl beside him nudged him harder, rolling her eyes. gunwook slowly turned to her with grit teeth and a clenched jaw.

"I'm going to kill you, hye." he whispered to her.

"oh! sorry for asking, thank you." the other person said before they turned and left to fo back to their friend.

"why'd you say that to them?" y/n sighed from across the table.

"I'm a busy man, I'm not looking for a relationship or anything."

"but still! they had balls to even come up to you in public, and you're a stranger to them too! the least you could do is be their friend." sohye spoke, punching him in the shoulder.

"I'm just not interested. can you stop now? I think I'm getting bruises.." he pouts at the younger, making her roll her eyes again.

"whatever. if more people ask you, I recommend actually giving them it you liar." the younger says, scrolling through instagram on her phone.


after eating, the family finally started to walk around, going into stores and buying whatever. the group of children walking ahead of the parents actually looked very intimidating. even minhyun, who had his hands shoved into his sweater pockets.

actually, when junyeong and youngmi came back to the table with their food, they took a quick picture of them from afar just to tell them that they looked scary to any outsiders.

as the three older children were talking to each other as they walked, another group of people walked up to them and started talking. this time, is was a group of people who seemed to be high school students, both males and females.

"hey, some of us just wanted to know if any of you were single and if we could have your sns." one of them asked.

"oh, we're all taken." gunwook relies quickly, gesturing to him and his sisters. "I also don't have any sns since I don't use it."

y/n and sohye glance at each other before the younger goes to answer the group.

"uh yeah, we're all seeing someone right now, but I'll gladly give you my instagram." she tells them, nodding. she pulled out her phone from her back pocket and opens up instagram, pulling up her account.

"yeah, mine is just [instagram username]." y/n says, also showing them her account. "the one with the [profile picture] profile picture."

"thank you, we followed." one of them say.

"we're also sorry for asking, it was nice to talk to you though." another one said, the group leaving.

"hyung, you're a liar." minhyun said after they were gone, looking up at the older male.

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