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after class the next day, they were once again at the bingsoo cafe they went to last time. sohye paid for her own bingsoo, as well as junseong's and yujin's, going to the side to wait for them.

after getting her bingsoos, she brought them to their table and handed it to them.

"you both owe me now." she said, sliding into the booth. she sat beside yujin, as usual.

"princess, hanbin and taerae said that they'll pick us up at 5:30 to go to hao's house for some reason. something about introducing someone and a surprise." yujin said, nodding at his girlfriend.

"got it. now eat the bingsoo before it melts." she nodded back, gesturing towards the bingsoo she got him.


"bye guys!" sohye said, her and yujin walking out of the cafe. hanbin and taerae were outside in the car, taerae being the driver now. hanbin drove there, now taerae will be driving back.

"bye! see you tomorrow!" the group waved as the two left the building.

"sohye, you get to sit in the passenger seat." taerae called out the window, pretty much kicking hanbin out of the front.

"hell yeah!" she cheered, jumping into the passenger. "the real passenger princess coming through, babes."


at hao's house, taerae parked in the large driveway and they were allowed into the large house.

"okay so, I wanted you guys to meet someone, and yujin, I have a surprise for you." hao said as everyone was now sat on the couch.

"so one of my childhood friends are in town and I just wanted you all to meet her." hao mentioned and suddenly, a really hot woman came in. "everyone, meet ella wang."

"hi. it's nice to meet you all." this new person greeted.

"oh my god. you're so hot." sohye blurted, her face heating up.

"wait, how old are you?" y/n asked.

"I'm 24 internationally." ella replied.

"oh my god." y/n breathed out. "let's be friends."

"yes please, oh my god you're seriously so hot." sohye agreed, pulling out her phone from her skirt pocket. she quickly opened her contacts and started a new one for ella to add her number and her socials.

"you're both so pretty, stop it." ella giggled. she put in her number and socials in the two sister's phones, before getting the two of theirs as well.

"and yujin, your surprise. you can all come in now." hao signaled. in came a large group that made yujin gasp.

"so your cousins came over!"

"GYEOUL NOONA! CHEONGJIN HYUNG!" yujin screamed, jumping up and running to them to hug them.

"UNCLE YUJIN!" two little girls screamed, hugging yujin after.

"bom, yeoreum, and gaeul!" he cheered, hugging the three girls.

after a few group introductions, yujin and sohye were playing with the three kids as the adults talked.

"bibi, I think being attractive just runs in your family. your mom is gorgeous, your cousins are so hot, your nieces are adorable, and you're the cutest and most attractive person in the world." sohye told him, carrying the baby gaeul in her arms.

"aw, you cute little baby." she said in a baby voice to the one year old in her arms. the baby laughed, making the girl smile. "gaeul is so cute, I think I'm going to cry."

"princess, you're making me blush." yujin giggled, helping bom tie her hair up.

"and cheongjin and gyeoul are siblings?"

"yup. they annoyed me to death when I was younger."

"gaeul you cute little girl. who's the cutest girl ever? you are. yes you are." she baby talked, giving the baby a kiss on the forehead.

"you know, I think that our kids would look cuter than gaeul." yujin suddenly blurted.

"WHAT?!" she gasped.

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