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the day after the whole minhyun came to her school fiasco, the group of friends were finally going to hang out together. thankfully, so-hye didn't have anything else planned.

she was currently standing at the vending machine with changmin, who was getting more snacks from it.

you could honestly say that this was their favorite vending machine since they were always getting things from it.

"bro, what is hwayoung packing that literally makes her take forever?" changmin asked, pressing the buttons on the machine to choose his item.

"no, for real though. shes been taking forever since a few weeks ago when I got picked up by my sister, like?" so-hye replied, crossing her arms over her chest and looking down at the sweater yujin put on her.

since midterms were coming up, they had study classes in the afternoon, and so-hye decided on a nap instead of studying. yujin being the best boyfriend ever, wrapped his sweater around her so she wouldn't get cold when she slept.

when changmin got his items, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they walked back to their class to see if hwayoung was finally finished.

"oh my god, finally." he sighed out, seeing that she was finally ready to leave.

"hwa, what the hell are you packing that makes you take so long? this has been going on for weeks now." shinae asked, rolling her eyes at the older girl.

"you guys wouldn't get it. its nothing." the kim girl replies, shaking her head.

"let's go now, my sister is gonna yell at us if we take any longer." shinae tells them, leading the group out of the school.

"oh, wait! junseong, you coming with?" yejun asked the quiet boy.

"yeah. my parents really wanted me to go when I asked them yesterday." he replied, making the tall shin boy sling his arm around his shoulders.

"alrightttt!" he cheered.


at the mall, the large ass group of high schoolers were walking around. so-hye was walking at the back of the group, in between her boyfriend and the new guy.

yujin and the girl were holding onto each other's hands while junseong was just walking pretty close on the other side of her.

the three were keeping up a pretty decent conversation as they walked behind the rest of their friends.

"oh, I just realized that we have similar rings." junseong pointed out to sohye. he held out his hand, showing her the silver star ring that he was wearing.

the girl held up her injured hand, where she was wearing the similar star ring. they were almost identical, but the star on hers was a light purple color, aka one of her favorite colors.

"oh yeah, they're just different colors." she nodded, smiling down at the rings.

"where did you get yours?"

"I got it from canada! my family likes to travel when it's vacation time and we've been to canada quite a lot. one day, I was feeling unwell so I had to stay with my mom at the house we were staying at so my older siblings got me this ring. its matching with theirs too." she replied.

"no way, I got this in canada too! I got it in vancouver." he tells her.

"ooh, I got mine in toronto." she says.

as the two conversed, yujin started to frown. this guy was trying to take his girlfriend from him! he started to swing their intertwined hands a bit to get her attention, squeezing it a tiny bit.

thankfully, this worked.

"bibi? what's wrong?" she asked, pouting at him.

"I'm kind of cold and tired." he pouts back at her, grabbing her other hand and holding it in his.

"do you want to go home?" she asked, wanting him to warm up and rest as soon as he could.

"but I don't want to just leave them, especially after we couldn't even hangout because all the plans that made us busy." he tells her.

sohye, feeling bad and sad, pulled him into a tight hug, swaying them side to side a bit.

"I can't do much, but I hope this makes you feel a bit better." she whispered to him, doing what he would usually do to her, and started to pepper his face and neck with tiny kisses.

lip gloss and tinted lip balm marks were now being marked around his face and neck. yujin made eye contact with junseong, who was standing still, and smirked at him.

'you're not taking her from me.' yujin told him. the two were speaking with their eyes now.

'oh, you're on.' junseong smirks back.

and the competition has started.

"are you better now, bibi?" she asked after she gave him one last smooch on his lips.

"much better, princess." he smiled at her, making her smile back.

"you look kind of funny now, but that just makes you cuter." she giggled, kissing him a few more times with a large grin.

yujin's smile quickly turned into a grin, kissing her back when she kissed his lips once again.

"your lips taste good. peach and cherry?" he asked, pulling away for a second just to ask, before he connected their lips once again for another short kiss.

the girl flushed red, the only thing that she heard was him telling her that her lips tasted good.

"you've been more attentive, huh? for what though? because I'm starting to like this." she giggled.

"and earlier, you were judging me for remembering how your hair products smelt." he joked, rolling his eyes playfully as he kissed the tip of her nose.

"stop it." she smiled. "I kind of want to leave now."

"why?" he asked her, already knowing why. hes known her long enough to know quite a few things about her, including things that she only did in relationships.

"I'm in the mood for cuddles." she quietly told him.

she was a cuddle monster. he learned that she was the biggest cuddle bug that hes ever met. she also loved being called 'princess.' she loved kisses and hugs and physical affection. she loved spending with her loved ones, she always tried her best to spend as much time as she could with them. yes, she had that cold exterior to everyone, but when it came to her loved ones, she was the softest and most babie person ever.

"me too." he whispered to her. "what if we just snuck away?" he suggested. the two were still in each other's embrace, enjoying the warmth coming from each other.

"let's do it." she smiles, her cheeks starting to hurt from smiling so much. she couldn't help it, being with him immediately just made her all smiley and giggly. he just immediately boosted her mood.

having forgotten about the boy behind them, the two started their way back to the entrance. at this point, their friends were long gone. everyone except lim junseong.

as the two were leaving, yujin turned back around and smirked again at the boy before they disappeared around a corner.

30 DAY TRIAL ; han yujinWhere stories live. Discover now