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"HEY! KIM GYUVIN! GET YOUR BROTHERS OFF OF ME!" sohye screamed. today, their whole group was gathering at the han house. why? again, no idea but their group and their families were all there. "their families" including the park children's cousins from overseas.

"HYUNWOO? CAN YOU HELP ME?" she yelled out, looking for said cousin.

"I'm watching kyoran and soyoung though!" he replied, carrying the two. they were his younger sisters, kyoran 3 and soyoung 1. hyunwoo is 17, like sohye. the two were very close.

"kim gyujin! kim gyujae! get off of your sohye noona!" gyuvin called out from the front door. he was busy clinging to and babying yujin.

"but hyuuuuuung!" gyujae whined, not wanting to let go of the older girl.

"no buts! go greet the aunties and uncles!" gyuvin scolded, having enough of his younger brothers.

the two boys finally let go and went to greet all the adults like they were told.

"thanks, gyuvin!" sohye thanked, dramatically falling to the floor. "those two have way too much energy." she sighed.

"minhyun? can you give hye some of your juice?" y/n asked the younger boy, pulling her sister up by her arms.

"okay n/n noona! here, hye noona." the young boy smiled, running up to the younger sister with his juice bottle in hand.

"thank you, hyun." sohye thanked, taking a sip of the juice.

"you're welcome!" he said back before running to play again.

"hyeeee!" yujin whined, shuffling over to her with a while gyuvin clinging to his back. "princess, save me." he pouts.

"see? you even talk like a baby. what do you mean you arent a baby?" gyuvin said, rolling his eyes as he poked yujin's cheeks.

"I'm not a baby, I'm a teen. I'm only sohye's baby." yujin replied, getting his arms out of the kim boy's grip to make grabby hands at his girlfriend.

"gyuvin, let go of him." she laughed, walking up to the two. she held onto yujin's hands, interlocking their fingers.

"but I haven't seen my baby in forever." gyuvin refused.

"you saw him yesterday!" ricky called out, appearing out of nowhere. the chinese boy placed his hand on top of sohye's head, about to ruffle her hair.

"ricky, I swear to god if you mess up my hair-" sohye warned, her nose flaring.

"but-" gyuvin whines.

"no buts. I want my girlfriend now." yujin huffed, for real sounding like a child with his demands.

"fine. but I expect something in return." gyuvin sighs, letting go of yujin to go hang out with gunwook.

"ricky, go." yujin then demands, pushing him away to the others before pulling his girlfriend with him to his room.

"did you really miss me this much?" she joked, sitting down on his bed. she flattened down her skirt as he took a seat next to her. he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and fell back onto the bed.

"yes. very much." he replied, giving her a long and wet kiss on her cheek.

"ew, why was that so wet?" she grimaced, turning to her side to face him. "I also saw you the other day when I stayed over."

"yes but I missed you so much. and why did you bring your cousins?" he huffed.

"they're staying over from america for a while, and my aunt and uncle are friends with your parents so of course they were coming. why? are you jealous?"

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