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more running for the class. sohye was skipping around the twelfth year floor, carrying a large stack of papers and envelopes for teachers. she was handing them out to them.

"just a few more classrooms, hye. just a few more." she said to herself, humming an nmixx song in her head.


during passing period, she was back with her friends. they were currently at their usual vending machine, getting snacks.

"oh my god, I'm so tired now. my hands hurt so much." yejun groans.

"my head hurts." changmin frowns, chugging his banana milk.

"I just want to go home now. maybe kyoran and soyoung will cuddle with me tonight." sohye sighed, picking at her black and purple nail polish.

"oh and, you know what my mom suddenly got for the family? fucking hermes accessories. I dont know where she got the sudden large amount of money to buy our whole family random hermes gifts but she got it and now I have a bunch of orange bags and boxes littered in my room." the park sighed out, stressed to the max. "if any of you want hermes, I'll let you borrow anything."

"bro damn. you're for real living that sugar baby life. you have rich best friends and suddenly, your mom buys a bunch of luxury items for you." changmin sulked.

"literally shut up. I feel super bad about it for some reason."

"what? why? you should feel proud about that." shinae scoffed.

"I literally don't know. I just do."


later at lunch, after the group ate, they decided to go on a walk around campus. sohye and yujin were walking, hand in hand.

"I just had the most genius idea ever." yujin told her.

"what's your most genius idea ever?" sohye asked back. the two stopped walking and yujin turned to her.

"you know how my cousins are over and how gyeoul noona brought her kids too?" he asked.

"yeah? what about it?"

"what if minhyun, kyoran, soyoung, bom, yeoreum, and gaeul all had a sleepover?"

"that sounds.... actually really good. but minhyun would be the only boy. I'd want to bring gyuvin's brothers over if this does happen, but you know gyuvin. his brothers are also both very energetic and minhyun and kyoran are way too shy."

"that will be fine. we can be there to watch over them and so eill the parents! please, I really want to see this happen."

"I do too! let's ask the actual parents and plan out everything. yuhye sleepover confirmed!" sohye cheered, jumping up and down a bit.

"and we can bake! we can get some of that belly cracker icing too!" yujin said excitedly.

"belly cracker? did you just say belly cracker? who the hell is belly cracker?"

"you know who I mean." he pouts, making her giggle.

"oh, you're just so cute." she said, giving him a small kiss on his cheek. "oh I just love you so much."

"you're making me blush, stop it princess~." yujin giggled back. the two were a giggling mess for the rest of the day and perfectly, were allowed to have the children sleepover at the park house.

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