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yujin got to school extra early that day. according to the text that sohye sent him that morning, today was the day that her worst week started. he wanted to do as much as he could for her so he got there early to prepare her favorite snacks and drinks.

he entered the classroom and made a beeline for her desk, unzipping his bag which was on his front.

he started to take out all the snacks he had for her and organized them neatly on the desk, as well as leaving a few extra things for her on her chair.

as soon as he walked back out of the classroom, there stood the girl he was about to look for. she had her hand on the door, about to open it when he opened it.

"oh, hye!" he exclaimed, a bright smile appearing on his face as he pulled her into a hug.

"i- good morning to you too, yujin." she greeted skeptically. "you seem too happy first thing in the morning... something's up."

"what do you mean? I'm just happy to see you." he smiled, playing it off.

"I know you're hiding something and I'll get to the bottom of it." she said, crossing her arms over her chest. all yujin did in return was smile at her and block her way to her desk.

"bibi, move." she frowned. she tried to step around him again but he just moved in front of her.

"move. what are you hiding?" she asked, starting to get frustrated. as she was about to move, he moved along with her, making her grab him and get around him.

she gasped as soon as she saw what he did to her desk.

"wait, did you do this?" she asked him, turning around. the boy nodded proudly and sohye let out a loud squeal.

"you're literally the best!" she squeals, jumping into his arms. he quickly caught her and spun her around, making her laugh.

"no but you're really the best, thank you so much. how did you know I was craving all of this?" she told him as they still spun. she gave him a kiss on the lips quickly before he stopped spinning.

"I got help from your siblings and honestly, you just have very good taste, and since I also have very good taste, I just got something I'd get too." he answered, her cupping his face after.

"have I ever told you that you're literally the best boyfriend I've ever had?"

"I'm the only boyfriend you've had."

"exactly, but this, this just put you above almost everyone else in my life." she grinned, bringing him to see what he got her.

"awww," she awed, "you even gave me your sweaters. you seriously are the best person in the world. are you god?"

"you can keep them for as long as you want." he says, kissing her cheek. "they're my favorites too." he adds.

"yujiiiiin! you're just amazing." she smiles at him. "I'll buy you anything you want later."

"ay, no. you don't have to get me anything, I mean it."

"no, I'm going to get you something."

"if you insist then. you said anything though." yujin finally gave in.

"good." she nodded, opening one of the pepero boxes and giving him a stick. "ah." she gestured.

he opened his mouth and she placed the biscuit in his mouth, feeding it to him.


at lunch, the three girls of the group all went to the washroom together. something about girl stuff.

there was a thick tension between yujin and junseong as the two were glaring at each other from across the table.

the other two boys, changmin and yejun, were sitting there awkwardly, glancing between the two.

a few minutes later, the girlies came back, the girl who was unknowingly the cause of the tension, sitting back down beside yujin. with her back, yujin and junseong stopped glaring at each other and were back to their normal selves

"no because now I don't have any room for my new stuff. I have to go to ikea soon to get more shelves and stuff." sohye whined to the other two.

"at least you have your own shelves. I have to go back and forth between my room and chaerin's room because she has the bookshelf." shinae sighed.

"oh, trust me, it isn't ideal when you have three other siblings who also have too much shit. I swear, my parents buy us a new shelf every six months. and oh my god, all the fucking awards too." the park complained, rolling her eyes. "my only real problem is, why the hell does my family all have to be nerds? like, we have like, a whole ass trophy case for every single award we get and its almost full. we haven't even written our exams yet and we're going to need a new trophy case."

"yujin, I think you're dating the reincarnation of einstein." changmin jokes, playing with the star clips in his hair. the clips were so-hye's, of course. hwayoung and yejun put them in his hair as soon as they sat down at their table earlier since the owner of the clips had taken them out of her own hair.

"you know what I just realized?" hwayoung asked the group, turning to junseong. "seong would look really pretty with makeup. his aegyosal is better than everyone's here too."

"next hangout, we should do the boy's makeup." shinae nods.

"oh my days, yes please! I really want to do their eyeliner and mascara." so-hye agreed. "jun, you'd look cute with little cheek things, you know what I mean? and changmin, your eyebrows are perfect."

"okay then, can we confirm a makeover for our next hangout?"

"yes ma'am!" they saluted.

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