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it was an early august morning and so-hye was waiting for her second semester class list. it was the last week of august and it was the beginning of the second semester.

"it's taking so long..." she whispered to herself. she looked down at her phone, staring at the text that she sent her friends earlier. no one has even opened it yet, which was pretty weird...

this was going to be a weird and exhausting day.


later in her classroom she was sat at her new desk, waiting for the new student at the front to finish.

this semester, they got a bunch of new students and transfers so they all took turns to introduce themselves at the front of the class.

this semester, she was sat beside the window, in the seat in front of changmin's old seat. she was sat beside one of the new students. her friend group was scattered across the classroom this time, not in little clumps anymore.

yujin was sat near the back, beside ollie. those two were never up to any good. yejun and hwayoung were sat with new students, shinae was sat with hwang aera (a student who's been in their class since their first year, they were in their second year), changmin was sat with a transfer student from a different school, and junseong was just sat with lee daejung (another student who isn't new to the class/school).

since the group was so scattered, it made it hard for them to talk with each other now.

sohye yawned behind her hand as the new student finished, bowing before they went back to their seat.

"thank you for that, all of you. now, how about we start with some ice breakers so we can get to know our classmates better?" their homeroom teacher smiled, then started to list out names of students in their class for the groups. every group had at least one new student or transfer.

the girl was grouped with three new students and two who were in her class during the first semester.

"I'll start to get this over with." she spoke to the group. "I'm park so-hye, I have three siblings and I'm seventeen. I like to hang out with my friends and siblings whenever I can." she introduced, keeping it short.

after this, her group went on with the mini introductions and ice breakers.


at lunch, sohye and her friends gathered at their usual lunch table, already in a somewhat deep conversation.

"the new aerin girl seems nice. shes quiet though." yejun said, shrugging. he was an esfp, by the way.

"how many new people did you get in your groups? I got three." sohye asked, chopsticking some meat into her mouth.

"I got two, I think?" shinae replies, not even sure of how many she had in her group. she barely paid any attention to the students she was paired with. actually, she didn't remember half of their classmate's names.

"I had like, five. my entire group was just new people. it was so fucking awkward, oh my god." hwayoung said.

"at least your group wasn't so damn loud. I swear to god, I was going to get a headache if I stayed with them longer." changmin complained. since he was their token weirdo, well, he was weird. he was extremely sensitive to loud noises and talking while also being loud as fuck.

"you're also loud though?" junseong spoke, confused.

"he's weirdly sensitive to loud noises and his whole group was so damn loud. I swear, you could probably hear them from the classrooms upstairs." yejun said, rolling his eyes.

"I heard them from the washroom. I got jumpscared when I heard one of them laugh when I was washing my hands." yujin also complained.

"no because same, like I literally jumped when that new girl started laughing." sohye said. "I saw sarang fall off her chair from it and I almost died when she did."

"that was so funny, oh my god!" shinae laughed. sarang, one of the students in their class since the first semester, was leaning her chair back when one of the new students started to cackle in the class. out of shock, sarang lost her balance on the leaning chair and fell with said chair.

"stop, I felt so bad for her but it was way too funny." hwayoung agreed, giggling a little when she replayed it in her head.

"shes okay though, right?" junseong asked.

"oh, yeah. she laughed it off after with youngjae, don't worry." shinae giggled.

yejun gasped. "you remember youngjae?!"

"of course I do! did you forget that I had the biggest crush on him before?" the yo scoffed.

"wow, jun. you're such a bad friend." changmin said in mock disappointment. suddenly, a sniffle was heard and everyone turned to who it was.

"hye, are you crying?" hwayoung worriedly asked.

"does anyone have a tissue? I'm not crying but my rhinitis is acting up again. I think it's too hot." sohye sniffled, throwing her head back as her eyes started to tear up now. "why did it have to happen at school, I swear to god." she sighed, taking off her blazer.

(( quick side note, I absolutely hate having rhinitis esp w season changes and hot weather #plssendhelpandsaveme ))

"is it bad? when does it usually happen?" junseong asked with yujin using his handkerchief to dab away her tears and wipe her nose.

"it usually happens in the mornings, in hot weather, and during any seasonal change. I think it runs in the family because gunwook and my mom also have rhinitis. thank you, bibi." she replied, dabbing at her eyes a bit with her hand to see if her eye makeup was coming off.

"can't you get it treated? theres like, medicine right?"

"I can but it really isn't bad. it's just part of my allergies I guess and I already have allergy meds so it's fine. at least that's what my mom told me. I mean, as mother gothel said, "mother knows best" and that I should listen to my mother." she shrugged.

"but she was evil and did what she did for selfish reasons."


"shut up."

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