Chapter 44: The Hot Wind, Part Three

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It's Minty. Just wanted to see if you guys could spot a reference that is made pretty early into the chapter. Consider it a game of sorts.

And yes, this is mostly a comedy chapter. There are darker hints with some characters, but I wanted to make you guys laugh. If you do laugh, that is, or at least chuckle. Regardless, I hope you guys enjoy it. This story hasn't exactly been as dark as the First Timeline, or even the Second.

Been rough these couple weeks, so I just wanted to do something more fun, and a little less serious. That's why Jasper and Yin tried to do a few special things together last chapter; it was to set this one up.

On with the chapter.


Yin sat at the foot of the bed, his fists balled tight and his jaw clenched shut, his face a dark shade of embarrassed red. Jasper laid down on the pillow, holding her stomach as raspy breaths of laughter escaped her lungs.

"It's not funny!" He yelled at her. Jasper could barely speak.

"I-I'm not laughing because you a virgin!" She squealed. "I just didn't expect to ever meet a twenty-six year old virgin! I thought you'd have lost it by now!"

Yin was furious. He felt humiliated. He didn't think it mattered at all; in fact, he never really thought about being a virgin throughout most of his life, choosing to focus on his own things, even when he was still with the Church. He shot to his feet, storming to the door.

"W-wait!" Jasper shouted after him. "It really isn't a big deal! I was just shocked!"

Yin ignored her, slamming the door shut behind him, his boots stomping down the stairs. He ran his hands over his face, grumbling a slew of bad words under his breath. He was beginning to wish he lived a little, rather than focusing on work all the time. Even if she was laughing because she was shocked and not the fact that Yin was still a virgin at twenty-six, he was nothing short of embarrassed. He looked up from the ground, planning to smoke a cigarette and cool off. But the moment he looked into the main room of the inn, his eyes stopped on a very specific someone.

Vao had his back turned to him, a cup of tea in one hand, his head resting on the counter, talking to a sea slime. Cinder was her name, if Yin remembered correctly. The healer gulped, wiping the sweat from his brow before approaching.

"Hey, Vao."

The dullahan stopped talking, staring at Yin like he was a nuisance. "I'm talking to one of the lads. Go away."

"It's... Kinda important..."

Cinder downed the rest of her ale, setting the empty mug down. "We can catch up later, Vao. Still down to hang out with the crew later?"

"Yeah. See ya."

Cinder stood up, waving goodbye and delivering a dirty look at Yin. He raised an eyebrow, watching as she left before turning back to Vao. There was no way he was going to sit down. The stool that Cinder had been sitting in was gooey, her nature as a slime leaving behind a mess he didn't want to clean up. Vao's body spun in the chair, sticking his head back on his shoulders before he crossed his arms. "I was having a nice chat, too. This better be good, you plonker."

Yin scratched his head, not looking Vao in the eye. "So... I need your help..."

Vao frowned, picking up his tea. "I heard Jasper laughing after you guys went upstairs. I can't do anything for a small knob, mate-"

"First off, fuck you," Yin growled. "I need your help losing my virginity!"

Vao's eyes widened, his tea almost at his lips before he froze. He lowered the cut, frowning at his drink before pushing it away. "... I absolutely will not shag you. Not just because I'm straight, but I don't even want to think about betraying my wife."

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