When did it end all the enjoyment

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Prompt by me tw/ abuse
Tk struggles under Alex's abuse

Tk knew deep down that it was wrong - but a part of him believed he deserved it so when Alex took a swing at him it was normal

"Your fucking late!" Alex called from the kitchen drinking his beer "I'm sorry I tried to call but
My phone died -" Tk said putting his bag in the closet Alex came closer to Tk "This is the third time this week Tk !" Alex yelled hitting Tks arm " Alex stop ." Tk said, "What did you just tell me ?" Alex yelled Tk knew Alex had a temper but this was the first time Alex had ever hurt him physically "Please Alex." Tk said "fucking piece of shit !" Alex yelled hitting Tk again "You know that's what you are right some worthless shithead ." Alex said

The next day Tk has no choice but to wear his long sleeve shirt to work on a 98-degree day "Son you forget to check the weather this morning ." his dad joked "Yeah." Tk said quietly "You have a short sleeve in your locker why don't you go change ." Owen suggested as much as Tk wanted to he couldn't " In actually okay it's not that. hot ." tk lied if there was one thing Owen was good at it was telling when Tk was lying

"What are you hiding on your arms ?" his dad asked "What did you get a bad tattoo or something ." his dad asked "No it's nothing.." Tk said "Follow me," Owen said

Owen led Tk to the bathroom "Show me ." Owen said "Dad -" Tk said, "Now Tyler ." Owen ordered Tk to take off his long sleeve shirt to a bruise on his arm

"Son-" Owen said as he looked at the dark bruise covering tks upper arm "How did this happen.." Owen said, "Why does it matter ." Tk said putting his shirt back on " did alex do this to you Tk ?" Owen asked angrily "It was an accident ." Tk mumbled

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