The things that rush through my viens

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after a rough day of work, TK goes quiet his usual coping mechanism which causes worry for not only himself but also those around him 

 An 8-year-old little girl - only 8 now gone and to be honest with you tk couldn't give you a reason why- he felt how her ribs cracked underneath his palms as he performed CPR one of many actions he did to save her life and yet he still couldn't find the right words to say - how to explain to this little girls parents that their little girl was gone - she didn't go to the park or the movies with her friends not even to school - she had died her soul left her body leaving the lifeless body under his palms as he tried to restart her heart

it sounds crazy really - restart her heart that is - she's 8 she is - was full of energy as she played on the playground as pulled herself across the monkey bars - as she played jump rope with her friends 

is that life? parents send their kids off to school so that way they can learn so that way they can have futures too it didn't make sense why an 8- girl blond with green eyes pale skin a beauty mark right above her  lip freckles over her nose was dead underneath him 

the 911 call started 

"We have an 8-year-old here who is having an asthma attack here we tried her inhaler but it's not working !"

 an asthma attack - tk scoffed under his breath death from asthma in children is rare, occurring in about 1 in 10,000 affected children. 

that 1 in 10,000 now rested under TK's hands  

"it happens ." Tommy said as they watched as the coroners came and put the little girl into the van "We dont like it but it does."

tk watched as they zipped her into a white bag and closed the doors 

"what was her name -" tk breathed out that person that child - that was in that body bag had a name that hurt even more 

"t- you did everything right this  is not on you okay caps right it happens and it's shitty but you did your job -" Nancy said as tk scratched his head as the van pulled away 

"what was her name.-" tk asked again 

"I need to go tell her parents now that their little girl is dead -its only right i know her name ."

"violet grey." tommy said 

violet beauty grace and power - that was that little girl so strong

her mother cried a lot her father did too though no tears fell they all welded up in his eye lids as he held his wife  he wanted them to yell - yell at him for killing their little girl  he wanted them to take their frustrations out on him  

no one yelled 

no one screamed 

no one did anything  that was the problem 

the ride back to the station was a quiet one 

"tk go home -" tommy ordered tk didnt fight her on it 

violet -

he became a paramedic because he wanted to help people - he didnt help anyone today he took someones child from then somebody's pride and joy - who gave him that right -

they told us when we started this job that we arent god- he knew that though he wasnt quiet sure what he believed in yet

but violet should be at home at her dinner table with her family - but instead she was in a body bag  at the morgue getting an autopsy 

"her lungs collapsed -triggering an attack which is why her inhaler didnt do the trick it was too much damage  nothing you could have done ." tommy said giving him a hug  he sat in the locker room for two hours -

he opened the door to the loft  seeing carlos on the couch with a hot chocolate "  i see you heard." tk sighed dropping his duffle next to the couch " they care so do i ." carlos said with a sad smile  " made you a mug its still hot ." carlos said  gesturing to the mug on the table tk didnt say anything just made himself at home in carlos's lap 

"her name was violet -." tk admitted her name felt cursed as if he wasnt supposed to say it 

he lost the right after she died under his care 

"you know its not your fault she died baby " carlos lead on " your dad read me the autopsy .' carlos said stroking tk's hair  " when did life come to this -" tk said 

"seriously - when did everyone just start dying - she was 8 her parents said she wanted to be a firefighter  her favorite hobby was horseback riding her parents got her one for her birthday 3 months ago - she had dreams carlos she was a happy passionate little girl ."

"she was a person car with dreams and fears." tk said tears welding up in his eyes carlos rubbed his back softly "when did life get to this point - everyones dying even little kids who even got the chance to live a life ." tk stuttered  as the tears finnally fell

silence hung in the air carlos did his best to comfort tk rubbing his back kissing his head but it didnt heal the ache in his chest for violets family

"do you think im a 007?" tk pondered 

"uh-whats that again ." carlos asked 

" it means licensed to kill-" tk sighed 

"hpw many [aitents have died under your care." carlos asked not answering tks question directly 

"4.." tk said reluctantly 

" what are there names." carlos asked 

"joan rush 98, rob gilbert 72, hailey murray 36,violet grey 8." tk stated 

"thats why your not a 007." carlos said stroking tks cheek 

"people die - it happens in our line of work it sucks and it hurts but its inevitable - and in cases its unpreventable violet died under you but she was dying before you got there a collapsed lung triggered an asthma attack she couldnt get enough air - she didnt know she was dying but what she does know is that you tried to save her -."


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