Sugar crash

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Prompt Carlos's sugar crashes (part 2 of my health condition au let me know which health condition to do next .) or if I should stop the series

a lot of things were part of Carlos's plan for life - type one diabetes was not he was diagnosed when he was 15 after crashing at school after that came lots of finger pricking, sugar testing, and more doctors visits years later as he switched to the Dexcom and he learned how to care for himself there were fewer sugar crashes but that didn't mean it never happened

It was a long hard day at work back to back calls what seemed like mountains of paperwork giving Carlos no time to take care of his well being
When he got home he pulled in before stumbling inside the loft

When he opened the door he saw Tk on the couch studying for his annual rectification "Hey -" Tk said from the couch " you didn't have to wait up ." Carlos said tiredly kicking off his shoes

" I wanted to hear about your day ." Tk said watching as Carlos moved around their loft "Long and tiring ." Carlos mumbled leaning against the wall

"Hey -." Tk said getting off the couch " When was the last time you ate something ?" Tk asked as Carlos slid down to the floor " I'm fine -." Carlos mumbled closing his eyes then Carlo's Dexcom started beeping

He was low -

Now that Carlos thought about it he wasn't sure when the last time he ate

Tk made his way to the fridge quickly before getting an applesauce pouch - the ones they kept in the fridge in case Carlos needed a quick sugar boost

He returned to Carlos joining him on the floor putting the tip to his lips

Carlos nursed on the apple sauce until his sugar levels came back up - "there you go ." Tk said pulling Carlos close

After a few minutes, Tk heated some leftovers for Carlos to join him on the floor " open ." Tk said brushing Carlos's curls off of his clammy forehead

Carlos didn't have the effort to fight Tk on it so he just opened his mouth letting Tk feed him "Feel better ?" Tk asked softly after a few minutes slowly but surely Carlos was coming back "Thank you ..." Carlos said holding Tk's hand " I'm lucky to be married to a paramedic ." Carlos said stroking Tk's face

"Gosh darn, Carlos don't scare me like that I love you too much to lose you ." Tk huffed Carlos couldn't help but laughed " I love you too ." Carlos smiled

No matter what they were there for one another in Sickness and health

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