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"If you've done well all semester, you should have no issues with the final. It is fair. Hard, but fair."

Professor Lee was lecturing us about finals the next day. I was preoccupied wondering how many times he got with Professor Lin.

Kitty raised her hand.

"What if you have not done well all semester?"

He stared her down. "Probable doom."

Fair enough.

"However, I am not unreasonable. Any student of mine who chooses to participate in the end-of-year talent show will receive a bonus ten points on their lowest grade."

An instant ripple of murmuring broke out among the students.

"Oh, good, I just learned a new TikTok dance," Mihee spoke.

Eunice perked up eagerly. "I can juggle!"

Professor Lee looked professionally disturbed. "No. No. You must perform a traditional Korean art form with dignity."

Eunice slumped down again.

When he turned around to rummage through his lesson notes, giving us time to talk amongst ourselves, Yuri crawled sneakily over to Kitty and I.

"Hey. My mom made me take fan dance lessons forever. I can teach you guys."

"My mom made me take dance forever too," I added in. "It's actually one of my core strengths. I had to do a lot of training for that Netflix ballerina show."

Ballet totally sucks since it's so hard but it after a while on pointe it gets better, however it takes years before you can even get on pointe and even after that you have to work even harder to actually dance on it.

Kitty frowned at me. "What Netflix ballerina show?"

I waved her comment off along with my trauma. "It comes out next year."

"Cool, I'll be sure to watch it. We can binge it together." Yuri said.

"Actually," I countered, "I don't watch my own shows. I end up cringing too much. And especially scenes where I have to interact with the male lead. Euagh."

"Bet Min Ho didn't like that one."

"Yeah, but whatever, since I wasn't dating him then. Doesn't count."

"Wait, who was the male lead?"

"*insert a celebrity crush of yours who isn't older than 20 because that's #pedocore*"

"No way, you're kidding!"

Yuri gasped. "Smash if I were straight."

"He's so gorgeous." Kitty agreed.

Dae nudged her elbow. "Hey, I'm right here!"

"Sorry." She smiled at him awkwardly. 

"Yeah, and good thing I wasn't dating Min Ho because then I sorta dated him off-set."


"He was planning to go public with me, and mind you, I was thinking about it too; he's so handsome. Sweet, too. But no, I decided against it, since I got invited to this movie called XO, Liv all the way in Toronto."

"Damn. Was the male lead in that movie hot?"

"I second that damn. When is it coming out?"

I sighed at the memory. "Premiering in theaters in November. And yes he was, but I played the badass female bestie, so I didn't want to start a controversy by getting with him. Min Ho's hotter though, so I don't regret it."

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