Part 2

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As I mentioned before the Hierarchy is based off lots of things, how you even get into the Top tier is a mystery to some but if you know the right people when you first enter high school it's much easier.

That was the case for Felix, his older brother chan is a jock and one year older then him so when Felix was fresh to high school, he had his older brother and his popularity to help him determine where he was placed. Almost like a nepo baby who is handed a company or an actor who's given a role in a movie because their parent is an actor.. it's all the same.
But Chan's pull wasn't the sole reason why Felix automatically became popular his attractiveness and bubbly personality was a big reason to why he was well known and more importantly well liked.

He was an exception among the bottom tiers  because of his kind nature and sweet aura, he wasn't the typical popular kid who was a bully or thought they were better then anybody, he just had the looks and the vibe to become "school royalty" also he was a cheerleader soon to be captain and on top of that he's dating a football player. To the whole school they were considered "a power couple" an attractive man with another attractive man who both are popular was considered a win.
Felix and his boyfriend have been together only shy of one year and to everyone it was a happy loving PERFECT relationship and it was .. for the most part

"Felix .. hello .. earth to Felix" Han waved his hand, the blonde snapped out of whatever thought he was in as he looked over to the boy "oh I'm sorry, what we're you saying ?" He asked. Han and Innie looking at him in disbelief that in their long conversation the boy didn't hear a thing. "I was asking if after the game, do you want to go to the car meet ?" Han asked once again. "Oh yeah ! Sounds like a plan" he said excitedly. The bell rang soon enough which was the cue for them to go their separate ways "lix meet me at the lockers after class !" Han yelled to which Felix nodded.

The blonde was on his way to his science class, he usually would be walked to class by his boyfriend but he was sick so today it was just him. The blonde had to stop by his locker to quickly freshen up which is what he usually does, he loves the idea of smelling good and looking right before he has to go.
He wasn't all too worried about being late because his teacher was never on time anyways, he opened up the metal locker and took out some of his sweet perfume, spraying it everywhere and brushing his hair. He touched up his face, looking in his compact mirror applying his lip tint when he noticed a figure in the reflection. The oversized black jacket and baggy jeans, along with the long black hair, it could only be one person. Hyunjin

Felix didn't pay too much attention to him but he did see him around school often, not to mention they share science and art together. Other then that, they never spoke or hung out and besides being in the same class, they didn't cross paths. Felix at times did wonder what he was like or why he was always alone but he never really got around to actually introducing himself or starting a conversation.
He watched through the mirror as the boy got up and headed towards him, quickly closing the compact as it was way too obvious he was looking at him through it. He stayed by his locker as he felt the man brush past him and walk towards their classroom, which reminded him he has to get to class. They both arrived at the door, being closer in proximity then they ever have, Hyunjin held the door open as the blonde walked past him, sending chills down the blondes body.

The blonde entered and to no surprise the teacher still wasn't there, she is the type of teacher that turns a 10 min break into a 15 minute one. No one was complaining though, her lectures were boring and her lessons were long and it was nice when she was late. Felix sat down somewhat in the middle where he liked to be, it was close enough to see the board but far enough to where the teacher wouldn't call on him. He sat down and began to take out his notebook and pens, waiting for the teacher to walk in any moment. The blonde did talk to people in this class but today he stayed to himself, for whatever reason. He did what he usually did look in his mirror to double check that he looked nice, it seemed a little vain but most of the time it was because there was nothing else to do. He texted his boyfriend already with no reply, so there wasn't else much to do but look around, something in him couldn't help but to glance at the mysterious boy no matter how much he tried not to, it was creepy to stare, is what he thought but how could he not.

Among all the seats, he sat in the back corner of the class dressed in all black with head phones in and a hoodie on, Felix never really saw his face fully because his head was constantly down and he had long hair covering his eyes but from the features he could see, he looked pretty handsome. Would it be weird for him to want to see his face fully ? Maybe but his mysterious aura was what pulled the blonde in more and more.
"Forgive me class ! I completely lost track of time" the teacher chuckled as she set her coffee and papers down, she turned to look at the class and observe everyone, and soon enough she began the lesson.

As usual the lecture was long and boring but the only semi good thing about this lesson was she decided to play a movie, and no not a comedy or action movie, it was an educational video but it was better then hearing her talk for the whole hour and a half.
The students, well some paying attention others were dozing off or goofing around... Felix was watching the documentary but not really paying attention to the words, he sat there as all the information he gathered went in one ear and out the other. He couldn't keep his attention on the screen much longer and just began to look around, his eyes lingering to different parts of the classroom until it landed on the same subject, Hyunjin

It seemed crazy even to Felix why he was so intrigued with the man but even he himself couldn't answer that question, maybe a part of him felt bad that he was always alone or maybe it was something more then that but as of right now he couldn't pin point it. He watched as the boy looked at the screen, his side profile being covered by the hoodie and hair
Hyunjin never said much, he and Felix have gone to the same school since middle school and yet he knows nothing about him, he doesn't recall ever hearing him speak or laugh.. maybe he hasn't.

"Felix, is Hyunjin more intriguing then my lesson ? For you have stared at him more then you've looked at the board"


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