Part 6

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Chan soon pulled up to the market close by where they all agreed to meet, "thought it was at 7:00 ?" Felix asked, as he realized his friends were running late. "Yeah it's supposed to be" Chan exclaimed, pulling out his phone to call the others. Soon after he did their friends arrived, "sorry about being late, someone lost their keys" han said glaring at Minho, "oh come on Han, look we found them and we got here" he exclaimed, trying to get closer to his boyfriend. "Ok everyone let's get going, so we can get a spot" Seungmin said "my cousin said it gets packed quick" he added, the group got in their cars and down to the river. It was bigger then Felix remembered, it was full of race cars and people who clearly raced, some Felix recognized some he's never seen before, they all parked and got out immediately being met by a loud voice "Cuzzo !" Hongjoong yelled, running towards the group of friends "Cuzzo" Seungmin yelled louder embracing the boy in a hug.
"I'm so glad you could make it ! I honestly thought you weren't going to come" Hongjoong exclaimed, as he patted his little cousins head. "I couldn't miss it ! This is the first race you're hosting" Seungmin exclaimed, leading his cousin to his friends "this is everyone ! Everyone this is Hongjoong" the boy bowed and greeted everyone one by one.
"It's really cool that you're hosting Hongjoong ! Did you pull this off by yourself ?" Chan asked curiously, the boy shook his head "oh no ! I could never do all this by myself ! I did it with My friend, he races too and he's pretty dam good at it ! Matter of fact He's racing today!"
"Joong" another voice called, "well that's my cue! you can either go on the sides of the ramps or on the stairs !" Hongjoong yelled as he went to check where he was needed. The group decided to settle on the almost broken down bleachers waiting for the races to start, "hey lixie, you alright ?" Innie asked, sitting next to the boy .. "yeah I'm alright .. just - uh you know what let's enjoy ourselves" he exclaimed with a fake smile on his face. Innie didn't want to bombard the blonde with questions so he just let it go for now.

The group were talking, laughing and mingling with other people at the meet waiting for the race to start, Hongjoong went in the middle of the road, smiling ear to ear "I want to thank everyone for coming, tonight we have two top racers, the best of the best going head to head" Hongjoong got out of the way as the two cars came forward, both cars equally cool looking, both looked expensive yet the drivers were unknown. Hongjoong walked up to each car to check on the racers before the race began, walking up to the red car a huge smile plastered on his face.
"The ravenette of the road, how are we feeling" The boy asked smiling, "mm I'm fine" the red haired boy replied, he was a man of very few words but he was a great racer. The boy adjusted into his seat, preparing himself "hey after you win, come over to the bleachers so you can meet my cousin" The man exclaimed, not getting a word but only a nod
"alright good luck Hyunjin"

A very attractive girl went up in between the cars with what looked like a bandanna, ready to wave it, "ok go beyond the pillars, down the alley and over the ramp, who ever gets here first wins" Hongjoong yelled, it was dead silent until the sound...

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A very attractive girl went up in between the cars with what looked like a bandanna, ready to wave it, "ok go beyond the pillars, down the alley and over the ramp, who ever gets here first wins" Hongjoong yelled, it was dead silent until the sound of the cars started revving their engines, "OK GO" the girl yelled as she threw the flag down signaling to go.

The cars without much hesitation took off, grey smoke filling up the sky, as the two cars sped off.
The red car at first was going slow which caught lots of people off guard, "there's no way he's going to win this at that speed" Changbin exclaimed, the others nodded in agreement, Hongjoong formed a smirk on his face "that's what they always say"
and just like he said, the car began to speed up with ease almost as if his slow pace in the beginning was a tactic. The grey hell cat was taken by surprise when the red car soon pulled up next to him, Felix watched as the red car strategically moved around with grace, "oh my gosh I think he's going to win" Chan said.
and that the red car did.

"As I said he would !" Joong laughed out loud, proud that he was right yet again, he made his way off the bleachers and towards the two cars "wow what a race ! You two really are something !" He chuckled. The man in the grey car got out and was everything but a sore loser, he smiled and laughed and you could tell even though he lost he still was overjoyed to be racing the winner however didn't get out.
Joong went up to the car and tapped on the window lightly, getting nothing but an inch of the window rolled down, "come on Hyun you said you'd meet my cousin and his friends" the boy relayed.
luckily for the boy in red no one was at all paying attention to the winner, maybe that is why he waited a few minutes. The door slowly opened where a man stepped out, his black skinny jeans hugging his body tightly and his shirt that had the sleeves ripped off showing his toned arms, his bright red hair being illuminated by the lights. A beautiful being he was. tall and had beautiful skin, his sharp jawline accompanied by a pretty set of lips and who can forget those beautiful siren eyes that could captivate anyone. "Okay come on Good looking ! My cousin is right over there" the two boys started to walk up to the loud group that at the moment was joking around and talking, "hey guys, I want to introduce you to someone ! The best racer in all of Seoul.. Hyunjin but you can call him Hyunnie" Hongjoong exclaimed, it was clear he was more excited about the whole introduction then Hyunjin himself but nevertheless, the group was excited about meeting the winner of the race and they welcomed him with open arms. While this encounter was happening Felix and Innie were in the bathroom.

"lix what is going on with you, you're acting .. weird" Innie confessed to which Felix chuckled, he was washing his hands for the third time now. "Innie, how do you know when you're over someone" he asked bluntly. Innie looked at him with a confused face as the question was very random "Um .. i don't know .. why?" Felix went to the hand drying machine and shook his head "my relationship is crumbling before my eyes and I'm over it, I can't lie to myself anymore ... The jealousy and insecurities and constant questions of where I'm at, who I'm with, why didn't I text him back emojis means Im upset !"
The blonde for the first time tonight has finally said what he's been keeping in all day.
"Lix you don't have to stay with him just because he's your first boyfriend, look I know I'm not one to talk because technically I've never been in a relationship but I know when someone's falling out of love and I think you have been for a while"

"He just ... I don't know" Felix sighed, "let's get back before they form a search party"

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