Part 17

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🎵 Tory Lanez - in for it )

"Lix here's your flag, now just wave it when I give you the signal alright" Hongjoong mentioned.
Felix nodded "okay thanks"
This wasn't as complicated as getting a cheer routine down but his nerves were still in shambles, Hongjoong did his usual introduction and out the two cars came ( one red and one yellow )
Felix watched as both cars pulled beside Hongjoong and got into place, he did usual briefing and checked on each driver before motioning lix to come up.
Felix received cheers from each side most likely due to his outfit and long blonde hair, he stood in the middle with his flag to the side waiting for the signal.
Hyunjin watched from his side looking at the blonde who stood patiently, chuckling at how on theme he was with his outfit. His imagination going else where as he could vividly picture the blonde spread out on his car, his legs in the air as he would thrust in faster and deeper sending the cheerleader over the edge moaning - "HYUN GO !"
Hyunjin snapped out from his imagination watching the yellow car take off, like a wire he drove off,
Cursing himself in his head for not being on top of his game, luckily his competition wasn't that far up but still a rookie mistake on an important race like this, he sped up hoping that by the time he made the turn he could take the lead.
The yellow car was resilient and caught on to what Hyunjin was trying to do, blocking him from even getting ahead "you son of a bitch" Hyunjin gritted. Putting his clutch, hitting the gas.

The two cars head to head, close in finishing when that sharp turn came up and Hyunjin spun out, trying to turn the wheel to make a whole spin and drive back. The yellow car coming up from the side, "fuck" Hyunjin yelled as he sped up.
The yellow car right on his tail, sweat dropping down his forehead as he tried to finish quick.
The yellow car speeding right past him and him grabbing the clutch, by the grace of God Hyunjin crossed that finish line but ... right behind the yellow car. He LOST.

Hyunjin stayed in his car without moving, he couldn't believe it, he lost ? After all the times he won. He lost ? How could that happen ?
Hyunjin looked at the people through his tinted windows, all becoming these figures in his head as they waited for him to come out and react to his loss but he didn't. He couldn't face them, he Can't.
He pulled his car into the garage, it may seem as if he's a sore loser but in reality he was angry. Angry with himself, it was his fault he got a late start, it was his fault that he was so focused on other things.
If he wasn't staring at the blonde this wouldn't have happened.
The Blonde ?

A knock on the window is what pulled him out of the many thoughts he had in the moment, "Hyun.. It's Joong" Hyunjin rolled down his window an inch, Hongjoong staring right at him "Hyun.. I know what you're thinking and I need you to stop, you did great" The red haired boy barely spoke but even without words Hongjoong can tell the man was really hard on himself when it came to things like this. "Look man, you win some, you lose some... but just know that you did your best and that's good enough" Hongjoong stood by as the car door flung open, Hyunjin getting out and walking right past the boy. "I fucked up.. I lost" he whispered.
Tears brimming the boys eyes, "Hyun .. It's not the end of the line here, you can still race aga-"
"I would have won ! if it wasn't for him! " Hyunjin yelled, the first time in their friendship this man has ever went over a certain octave, Hongjoong was confused about the whole thing trying to put the pieces together on who "HIM" was.
"Who are you talking about ? Yunho ? Hyun he's a good racer but that doesn't make you any less-"
Hyunjin threw a wrench he had in his hand out of frustration "not him ! That fucking blonde"
Hongjoong was still lost, trying really hard not to upset the man further with "who, what, when's"
but then it hit him.. like a truck.
The blonde ? The same man that he was talking to the first night of the garage, the one that he became awkward around. "Felix ?" He let out.
Hyunjin turned quickly with a look of hate on his face, "Hyun.. Do you maybe have .. a thing for him ? Is that why you act all weird around him"
Hyunjin let out a laugh "if I had a thing for him, I'd want to be around him but I don't, he's just everywhere" he laughed as he leaned on the hood of his car "everywhere I'm at, he wants to be. He wants to be my friend or some shit and he won't leave me .. alone" Hyunjin exclaimed with an exhausted tone.
Hongjoong didn't know what to say at this point, completely out of the loop of what's going on.
"Hyun.. I'm going to go .. just don't be too hard on yourself" Hongjoong said with a sigh, as he walked out the garage.

Hyunjin stood there, going over what he felt in his head. Being an only child, he had no choice but to sit with his feelings especially when his parents were working, bottling all that emotion because no one would listen made it really hard for him to express himself as an adult. "Hyunjin ..." and there went that voice that he couldn't get out of his head, the voice that was equivalent to nails on a chalkboard. He didn't need to turn around to know who it was, maybe if he ignored him he'll get the hint and go away. "Are you .. okay ?" The voice said.
Hyunjin who was standing at a random part of the garage pretending to "fix" something, didn't pay him any mind. "I know you're upse-"
"Just Stop alright ! I don't want to talk, so can you go ?" Hyunjin said with such a venomous tone.

Felix Jolted at the raise in his voice, it was apparent this man wanted nothing to do with him even if they did do something, his resentment towards the blonde is never going to change no matter how much the cheerleader tries, if there was an explanation for his hatred then maybe Felix could understand but there wasn't. His hate and dislike for the blonde had no reasoning and that's what hurt him the most.
Felix was never not liked by people, so when someone didn't like him.. it felt .. weird.
Hyunjin could hear the boy turn on his heel, "I -
"I promise to leave you alone from now on.. I won't come here and I won't bother you at school" Felix let out as he walked slowly towards the door, taking one more glance at the boy and leaving.

Outcast ( Hyunlix ) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ