Part 8

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THE BLONDE ? His eyes widened as he realized his mind subconsciously thought of the cheerleader, why on earth was he thinking of him ? Out of panic he quickly went to washing his hair. He closed his eyes to lather the soap, maybe he thought of him because he just saw him ? Yeah that's it. That has to be it, there's no way he's thinking of him while in the shower. He quickly wrapped up this shower session before it could turn into something else, getting out quickly and heading to bed.. he laid there for a few minutes head empty, before sleep finally took over him.

At the hamburger spot 🍔

"I think I'm going to get ... mhm... oh ! I'll get a bacon cheeseburger but not too much bacon" Han asked as he stood in line, "I have never seen anyone make ordering a burger so complicated" Innie chuckled, "and he ends up getting the same thing every time" Felix added, Han rolled his eyes "yeah whatever" the three went to a table outside, where all their friends including Joong was.
"That kind of sucks, your friend couldn't come along, he seemed like a cool dude" Chan mentioned to Joong, as he bit into his burger. "Yeah I don't know what happened, one minute he's up for it, next minute he's backing out" Joong exclaimed.
Felix heard their conversation and wondered who they were talking about, "who was supposed to come?" He asked Han, the squirrel like boy swallowed a huge chunk of his burger and replied "Joongs friend ! The one in the red car, he was supposed to come... oh I forgot you weren't there to meet him" He added, "well yeah his friend is pretty cool, red hair and don't tell Minho .. but very attractive" he whispered, Felix just nodded his head "oh .." he didn't ask too many questions as it wasn't all that important and they all continued their night.
"Alright, well I don't know about you guys but I need to head home" Changbin yawned, the entire group also decided it was time to head out.

"Well Chan, it was nice meeting you and everyone ! Next meet will be in two weeks if you all want to come" Hongjoong said with a smile, "and Cuzzo, take care of yourself and don't get in any trouble" he teased, Seungmin chuckled sarcastically "okay dad" as they all went their separate ways, Felix bid farewell to his friends and got into the car with his brother. "Alright let's head home, hopefully mom and dad are asleep and we don't have to hear them nagging" Chan exclaimed as he started the car, pulling out of the lot and heading home. Like earlier, their conversation was light and because they didn't live far, it was also short.

They pulled up to the house and to their relief the house was completely dark which meant their parents were asleep, they entered the home quietly
trying their hardest not to make a sound.
"Good night Lix, see you in the morning" Chan whispered as he walked to the opposite side of the hallway towards his bedroom. Felix doing the same, after the blonde got into his bedroom and shut the door, a wave of relief came over him. The consequences of coming home late didn't exist but the lecture that came with it, did.
He immediately went into his bathroom, taking off his clothes and getting into Pajamas, wiping off the light makeup he had on and brushing his hair.
Felix wasn't always the Fem type, he actually used to be quite embarrassed to even put on chapstick but as he got older and realized "life was short" and the world became a little more accepting. He finally began to embrace that side of him, Chan was always supportive of him and what he wanted to do, along with his parents who just wanted him to be happy.
School at first was hard to do, trying to explain to everyone you're a boy but you love skirts didn't sit well with most but then it became so normalized that now, no one even questions or cares.

Felix realized while brushing his teeth that he hadn't received a text from his boyfriend all night, but then again he doesn't remember having his phone at all. He went to his bed and scrambled through his sheets only to find his phone entangled and of course completely dead. "dam it" he huffed to himself.
He placed it on the charger and waited for the Apple icon to come on, and to no surprise what seemed like a 100+ texts from his boyfriend.

Have fun.

Can you at least text me so I know you got this message.

Are you still upset with me ? I told you I'm sorry. Please answer

Missed call

Missed call

Missed Call

Missed Call

Missed Call

Can you please answer me.. I just want to hear your voice..

Alright whatever, it's obvious you're not answering because you're out with your friends. Guess I'm not important.

If I did this to you how would you feel ? If I left and didn't text you all night

I bet han is telling you not to reply, is there something I should know about ?

Babe ( 23 missed calls )

Felix's eyes rolled so far back in his head they could get stuck, instead of replying to his boyfriends nonsense, he decided to just sleep it off. This was getting annoying and frankly he didn't have the patience or the energy to deal with it.

Outcast ( Hyunlix ) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora